Page 50 - Glass-Technology International no. 4-2019
P. 50
IG LINE - Sealing Robot
not only on the quality of our feedback and requests tinuous innovation within are finalising the purchase
the product they offer, but both before and after sale. Mortagua. As well as a of a new ‘High Speed’
also on how easily we can A working group involv- well-stocked machine fleet, double glass production
create a working relation- ing both the glass proces- the company has also in- line. And, of course, it will
ship with their manage- sor and the constructor stalled a state of the art be a Forel line.”
ment. Companies with our must be created to work photovoltaic generation
vision and aspirations can- towards the common goal system and a process water
not make do with picking of creating a system that recycling system. There are
Forel SpA
systems and machines out operates at its full poten- also many new projects in Forel SpA
of a catalogue, but need a tial, always. This is why the pipeline.
supplier that develops be- Vidraria Mortagua does “By the end of 2019,” re-
spoke solutions. To be up not have its own R&D de- veals Rogerio, “we will
to the task, the constructor partment. Our innovation have completed a new ex-
31056 Vallio di Roncade (TV) - Italy
must have a streamlined is in the machines we use.” tension project to increase Via per Monastier, 4
organisational structure There’s an unmistake- the size of our production Tel.: +39 - 0422 - 840507-8
that can react rapidly to able atmosphere of con- site. In the meanwhile, we Fax: +39 - 0422 - 840900
48 Glass-Technology International 4/2019