Page 46 - Glass-Technology International no. 4-2019
P. 46


           Being a partner for clients is one of the most important features for a steady and mutually

           profitable relationship between glassworks and glass machinery manufacturers. And if

           this special relationship lasts for over 20 years then it is sure to lead to development

           and innovation too. This article gives us a perfect example of how the continuous

           collaboration between Forel and Vidraria

                                                                                                   Josè Pires, CFO
           Mortagua has done this.                                                                 of VIdraria Mortagua

           T   HE COMPANY           metre production site,
               AND ITS VISION
                                    a workforce of over
               “The important thing
                                    turnover in excess of
           is having a clear goal. It   100 and an annual
           isn’t always necessary to   EUR 10 million. The
           know how to reach this   company     produces
           goal already when you    laminated and insu-
           start: first you choose the   lating glass for both
           destination, and then you   residential and com-
           plot the route. Nonethe-  mercial  applications,
           less, ambitious plans often   in pane sizes up to
           come with hurdles that   and even beyond Jum-
           can’t always be overcome   bo format. While the
           alone. And this is where   company  distributes
           you need a partner, not   its products directly
           just a supplier, that can put   within Portugal only, its   orders. Our company then
           the initial vision into focus   clients supply a market   continued to grow stead-
           and transform the idea into   extending throughout Eu-  ily, and so we transferred
           a project.”              rope. For over 20 years,    to a larger new plant and
           These are the words of   Vidraria Mortagua has     increased the size of our
           Josè Pires, Chief Finan-  been using Forel machin-  workforce. But when the
           cial Officer of Vidraria   ery for the production of   recession came in around
           Mortagua, one of the     insulating glass, edge pro-  2010, we experienced a
           leading glass-processing   cessing and, more recent-  drop in business like eve-
           companies in the Iberian   ly, laminated glass cutting.  ryone else at the time. We
           peninsula. Founded 30                              had only two paths ahead
           or so years ago by Nuno   THE FIRST FOREL          of use: we could either
           Morais, the current CEO   MACHINE                  close down to save us from
           of the company, and Josè   “We purchased our first   financial loss or risk new
           Pires, Vidraria Mortagua   Forel double glass produc-  investments. We asked
           has grown from a small   tion line in the late 1990s,   ourselves what we could
           artisanal business with   and it is still in operation   do to stand apart from our
           around a dozen employ-   today,” says Pires. “About   competitors, and the an-
           ees to become a struc-   ten years later, we added   swer was a project for a
           tured industrial company   a second Forel line to cater   third double glass produc-  Forel Flexible Profile Applicator
           with an 18,000 square    for the growing number of   tion line: a line capable of

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