Page 62 - Glass-Technology International no. 4-2019
P. 62


           Mappi MHS, Multizone      How does MHS work?       100, and, proportional to   the Energy Saving System,
           Heating System, allows us   The main advantage of the   the size of the furnace) each   which controls consumption
           to adapt to different situ-  MHS is its ‘multi-zone’   of which is equipped with   and energy peaks by man-
           ations in the most flexible   heating, in reverse to tradi-  sensors that measure the   aging and balancing them
           way possible, maintaining   tional tempering furnaces   temperature in their specific   in a coordinated manner. In
           an operating temperature   where the heating of the   area of the furnace. This is   this way an ideal ecosystem
           of the chamber below mar-  quenching chamber is car-  combined with the Intelli-  is created: the furnace has
           ket average and also avoid-  ried out by elements ar-  gent Heating System, which   all the strength it needs
           ing the overheating of the   ranged horizontally or verti-  guarantees heating only in   and only where it is needed.
           rollers, and therefore im-  cally. MHS creates a lattice   areas where the glass to be   These technological innova-
           proving their planarity.   of independent cells (about   tempered is present, and   tions and construction skills

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