Page 88 - Glass-Technology International no. 4-2019
P. 88


                                                                                        It incorporates fresh data,
                                                                                        for example on Europe’s
                                                                                        building stock and its per-
                                                                                        formance and on the de-
                                                                                        carbonisation of the energy
                                                                                        mix, but its main innova-
                                                                                        tion is that it quantifies sav-
                                                                                        ings induced by increased
                                                                                        window replacement rates.
                                                                                        This allows to identify the
                                                                                        potential in window retro-
                                                                                        fitting, when equipped with
                                                                                        high-performance glazing,
                                                                                        whose properties were pro-
                                                                                        vided by Glass for Europe’s
                                                                                        Christian Quenett, Chair-
                                                                                        man of Glass for Europe
                                                                                        and Head of Architectural
                                                                                        Glass Europe at the NSG
                                                                                        Group, declares: “This
                                                                                        study demonstrates once
                                                                                        more the massive energy
                                                                                        savings and induced CO
                                                                                        emission reduction that is
                                                                                        made possible thanks to
                                                                                        high-performance glazing,
                                                                                        which are readily available
                                                                                        in Europe. Most interest-
                                                                                        ingly, it highlights that
                                                                                        these long-lasting savings
                                                                                        could be realised rapidly
                                                                                        if building and energy-
                                                                                        efficiency policies across
                                                                                        Europe were effective at
                                                                                        supporting a doubling of
                                                                                        the building renovation rate
                                                                                        and the uptake of high-
                                                                                        performance glass prod-
                                                                                        Bertrand Cazes, Secre-
                                                                                        tary General of Glass for
                                                                                        Europe,  adds:  “When
                                                                                        Member States are busy
                                                                                        looking for effective cli-
                                                                                        mate mitigation measures
                                                                                        and designing long-term
                                                                                        plans for the renovation
                                                                                        of buildings, it arises from
                                                                                        this study that Member

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