Page 119 - Glass-Technology International no. 5-2018
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plicity are fundamental, are   TecnoFerrari is continuing   for years constantly sup-  ally handled transported
           gaining great interest in the   to invest in growth to con-  ports new resources, and   products is substantially re-
           VivaJet  range.           tinuously increase its mar-  are therefore able to face   duced by AGV with regular
                                     ket share.               challenges and continue   and constant work flows.
           TECNOFERRARI              Each  and   every  year   our story.               TecnoFerrari offers a fast
           LOGISTICS – RELIABLE      TecnoFerrari renews its   With regards to logistics   route to successful opera-
           AND FLEXIBLE              commitment to new tech-  applications in particular,   tions for every company,
           INNOVATION                nological solutions to im-  technical staff is also able   regardless of size, as auto-
           MADE IN ITALY             prove industrial automation   to manage processes and   mation means:

           Leader  in   automation   systems that we design and   layouts of complex sys-  • Maximum level of safety
           and logistics in different   export globally, with over   tems, providing customers   for operators
           markets, and with more    170 patents. The experi-  with optimized solutions in   • Fully automatic opera-
           than 3,500 AGV vehi-      ence of the engineers who   terms of performance, reli-  tions
           cles installed in the world,    have been part of our team   ability and flexibility.  • Process control and han-
                                                              TecnoFerrari’s AGV ve-      dling optimization
                                                              hicles are equipped with   • Process timing and ac-
                                                              magnetic, laser and hybrid   curacy
                                                              driving systems, as well as   • Perfect control over all
                                                              the latest safety and logic   stages of processes
                                                              control systems, represent-  • Cost reduction
                                                              ing the largest portfolio of   • Ability to interface with
                                                              solutions available on to-  other production tech-
                                                                   day’s market.          nologies
                                                                    Industry 4.0 para-  • Data protection and data
                                                                    digms are imple-      collection
                                                                   mented in all AGV    • Product traceability.
                                                                   systems,  providing
                                                                   interconnection with
                                                                  all machinery and with
                                                                  company ERP sys-
                                                                 The supervision soft-
                                                                 ware, developed entirely
                                                              in-house by Tecnoferrari,
                                                              with the possibility of cus-
                                                              tomization according to
                                                              customers’ needs, is an     TecnoFerrari Spa p
                                                              added value in terms of
                                                              TecnoFerrari AGV systems
                                                              provide considerable eco-
                                                              nomic savings when com-
                                                              pared with the same activ-   Via Ghiarola Vecchia, 91
                                                              ity performed by manual      41042 Fiorano Modenese (MO)
                                                              vehicles. TecnoFerrari AGV   Italy
                                                              vehicles also reduce the     Tel.: +39 - 0536 - 915000
                                                              loss of productivity due to   Fax: +39 - 0536 - 915045
                                                              the inefficiency of manual
                                                              Damage caused by manu-

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