Page 122 - Glass-Technology International no. 5-2018
P. 122


          Chemists could make

                ‘smart glass’ smarter

                      by manipulating it

                                 at the nanoscale

                 lowly” is the op-   exercise for graduate stu-  “Smart glass,” an energy-efficiency
                 erative word; typi-  dent and first author R.
           “Scal smart glass         Colby Evans, whose idea –   product found in windows of newer
           takes several minutes to   and passion for the chem-
           reach its darkened state,   istry of color-changing
           and many cycles between   materials – turned into an   cars, buildings and airplanes, slowly
           light and dark tend to de-  experiment involving two
           grade the tinting quality   types of microscopy and    changes between transparent and
           over time. Colorado State   enlisting several collabo-
           University chemists have   rators. Evans, who com-      tinted at the flip of a switch.
           devised a potentially ma-  pleted a summer internship
           jor improvement to both   funded by the CSU Energy
           the speed and durability of   Institute, is advised by
           smart glass by providing   Justin Sambur, assistant
           a better understanding of   professor in the Depart-
           how the glass works at the   ment of Chemistry.    Evans said. Typical tung-  tungsten-oxide nanoparti-
           nanoscale.                The smart glass that Evans   sten-oxide  smart  glass  cles, which are 100 times
           They offer an alterna-    and colleagues studied is   panels take 7-12 minutes   smaller than the width of a
           tive  nanoscale  design   “electrochromic,”  which  to transition between clear   human hair. Their experi-
           for smart glass in new re-  works by using a voltage   and tinted.           ments revealed that single
           search published on 3     to drive lithium ions into                         nanoparticles, by them-
           June in Proceedings of the    and out of thin, clear films   NANOPARTICLES    selves, tint four times fast-
           National  Academy   of    of tungsten oxide. “You   TINT FASTER              er than films of the same
           Sciences.  The  project   can think of it as a bat-  The researchers specifical-  nanoparticles. That’s be-
           started as a grant-writing   tery you can see through,”    ly studied  electrochromic   cause interfaces between

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