Page 123 - Glass-Technology International no. 5-2018
P. 123

nanoparticles trap lithium   particles came into contact   particles, to avoid ion-  tions in nanoparticles, and I
           ions, slowing down the   with each other. They then   trapping interfaces.   expect that we will leverage
           process. Over time, these   used scanning electron mi-                       this new tool to study un-
           ion traps also degrade the   croscopy to obtain higher-  OTHER APPLICATIONS  derlying processes in a wide
           material’s performance.  resolution images of the   Their imaging technique of-  range of important energy
           To support their claims,   length, width and spacing   fers a new method for cor-  technologies,” Sambur said.
           the researchers used bright   of the nanoparticles, so   relating nanoparticle struc-  The paper’s co-authors
           field  transmission  mi-  they could tell, for example,   ture and electrochromic   include  Austin  Elling-
           croscopy to observe how   how many particles were   properties; improvement of   worth, a former Research
           tungsten-oxide nanopar-  clustered together, and how   smart window performance   Experience for Undergrad-
           ticles absorb and scatter   many were spread apart.  is just one application that   uates student from Winona
           light. Making sample smart   Based on their experimen-  could result. Their approach   State University; Christina
           glass, they varied how   tal findings, the authors   could also guide applied re-  Cashen, a CSU chemis-
           much nanoparticle materi-  proposed that the perfor-  search in batteries, fuel cells,   try graduate student; and
           al they placed in their sam-  mance of smart glass could   capacitors and sensors.  Christopher R. Weinberger,
           ples and watched how the   be improved by making a   “Thanks to Colby’s work,   a professor in CSU’s De-
           tinting behaviours changed   nanoparticle-based mate-  we have developed a new   partment of Mechanical
           as more and more nano-   rial with optimally spaced   way to study chemical reac-  Engineering.

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