Page 59 - Glass-Technology International no. 5-2018
P. 59

Keren Bian, the deputy GM of SAYYAS,
                                                                                   gives insights into his experiences and
                                                                                        expectations of LiSEC

                                                                                        er energy consumption,”
                                                                                        SAYYAS devotes all efforts
                                                                                        to developing and produc-
                                                                                        ing the most energy-saving
                                                                                        wood-aluminium windows,
                                                                                        in the world’s most energy-
                                                                                        saving factories.
                                                                                        Keren Bian, deputy general
                                                                                        manager of SAYYAS, sat
                                                                                        down with us to talk about
                                                                                        his experiences and his ex-
                                                                                        pectations of LiSEC.

                                                                   AYYAS has three pro-
                                                                   duction plants with a   COOPERATION
                                                              S total area of 40,000    WITH LISEC
                                                              m  and reaches an annual   LiSEC: When and why did
                                                              production  capacity  of  you start working together
                                                              200,000 m  consisting of   with LiSEC? How would
                                                              window series, door series   you describe the partner-
                                                              and ecological window and   ship?
                                                              door systems for passive   Keren Bian, deputy general
                                                              construction.             manager of SAYYAS: Our
                                                              In addition to the domestic   cooperation with LiSEC
                                                              market share of 25 per cent,   started with the purchase of
                                                              SAYYAS wood-aluminium     the first glass cutting ma-
                                                              windows are exported to   chine in 2002. I was deeply
                                                              the US, the UK, Canada,   impressed by the outstand-
                                           LiSEC not only ensures   Russia, Australia, Japan and   ing quality of the advanced
                                         productivity but also reaches   several other countries and   LiSEC products and servic-
                                         the production standards at a   regions. Under its mission   es. LiSEC not only ensures
                                             very high level
                                                              statement “better life, low-  the desired productivity but
                                                                                        also creates a very high level
                                                                                        of production standards.
                                                                                        Generally LiSEC’s high-
             Harbin SAYYAS Windows Co., founded in 1998 in China, is                    quality machines and in-
                                                                                        novative  solutions  have
             known as the pioneer and market leader in development                      contributed greatly to the
                                                                                        expansion of our markets as
             and production of wood-aluminium windows. The company                      well as our brand awareness.
                                                                                        For me personally, get-
             is the first wood windows producer to be authenticated                     ting to know the LiSEC
                                                                                        employees in charge of the
                                                                                        projects was a definite bo-
             by the PHI (Passive House Institute). This article is a short              nus. Through those differ-
                                                                                        ent perspectives, I gained a
             interview carried out by Lisec.                                            better understanding of the
                                                                                        machine production pro-
                                                                                        cess as well as the LiSEC
                                                                                        brand concept.

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