Page 62 - Glass-Technology International no. 5-2018
P. 62


                                                                                        LiSEC, with headquarters
                                                                                        in Hausmening/Amstetten,
                                                                                        is a globally operating
                                                                                        group, and has been offer-
                                                                                        ing individual and complete
                                                                                        solutions in the field of flat
                                                                                        glass processing and fin-
                                                                                        ishing for over 50 years.
                                                                                        The service portfolio in-
                                                                                        cludes machines, automa-
                                                                                        tion solutions and services.
                                                                                        In 2017, the group, with
                                                                                        around  1,300  employ-
                                                                                        ees and over 25 locations,
                                                                                        generated total revenues of
                                                                                        around EUR 230 million,
                                                                         Shuping Bian, the   with an export rate of more
                                                                         owner of SAYYAS,
                                                                         visited Glass Forum   than 95 per cent. LiSEC
                                                                            in LiSEC    develops and fabricates
                                                                                        glass cutting and sorting
                                                                                        systems, single components
                                                                                        and complete production
           efficient plant in the world.   Our new plant in Nanjing   logistic procedures and has   lines for insulating glass
           We hope to remain true   will open next year, so I ex-  greatly reduced production   and laminated glass fabri-
           to our key philosophies –   pect challenges to improve   time.               cation as well as glass edge
           modern functions and nat-  the output very soon. I                           processing machines and
           ural products, which satisfy   think the sorting and buffer   INDUSTRY TRENDS  tempering machinery. With
           people’s growing psycho-  system could streamline at   LiSEC: What are the trends   reliable technology and in-
           logical need to respect and   least 30 per cent of the op-  of the industry today? In   telligent automation solu-
           embrace nature. As the pio-  eration cycle.        your opinion, how could   tions, LiSEC sets standards
           neer and leader of Chinese                         they affect SAYYAS?       in quality and engineering
           wood-aluminum windows,   LiSEC: Which LiSEC prod-  Keren Bian: In recent years,   and significantly contrib-
           SAYYAS dedicates them-   uct or service do you per-  artificial intelligence has   utes to the success of its
           selves to developing energy-  sonally like most and why?  created many new oppor-  customers.
           saving external windows.   Keren Bian: During this   tunities for our industry,
           We definitely look forward   partnership I have come to   and this is also the focus of
           to cooperating with LiSEC   know many flawless prod-  our development. SAYYAS’
                                                                                            LiSEC Group
           on the exploration of the   ucts in terms of quality, de-  goal is to lead this trend     LiSEC Group
           fields of energy-saving pro-  sign and service. The prod-  in our field and to bolster
           duction and eco-friendly   uct that impressed me most   our  superiority  regard-
           products, and to achieve a   is the insulating glass line.   ing intelligent processing
           win-win outcome through   LiSEC’s product design   and production. LiSEC’s
           pursuing a balanced rela-  considers both the techni-  “intelligent glass process-  Peter-Lisec-Straße 1
           tionship between humans   cal ramifications as well   ing system” is leading the   3353 Seitenstetten - Austria
           and nature.              as the production details,   industry’s innovation and   Tel.: 0043-7477-4050
                                                                                             Fax: 0043-7477-40580
           Regarding my investment   allowing precise control   represents a shining exam-    E-mail:
           plans, I am considering the   of the end products. This   ple of matured research in
           sorting and buffer system.   facilitated our packing and   this field.

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