Page 30 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 2/2017
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                                           BANGKOK GLASS      glass division will generate   including four float glass
                                                              around 50% from the      lines. Bangkok Glass
                FLAT GLASS BUSINESS                           current 85%.” “Packaged   contributes about 8%
                                                              products may no          of the revenue for its
             One of the largest      glass. Slowdown and      longer be the focus of   parent company, Boon
             container glass producers   intense competition in   our business. Glass   Rawd Brewery. With
             in South East Asia,     domestic and regional    containers are facing stiff   the commissioning of
             Thailand-based Bangkok   container glass industry   competition in the country   float glass, Bangok Glass
             Glass, is diversifying into   has prompted Bangkok   from alternate forms of   expects to contribute to
             the flat glass industry.   Glass to invest in flat glass   packaging.”      13% of the revenue for
             The BHT 5 billion       segment. According to the   Bangkok Glass partnered   Boon Rawd Brewery.
             new float glass plant at   President of Bangok Glass   with Europe based Glass   Bangkok Glass and Boon
             Prachin Puri is currently   Pavin Bhirombhakdi,   Trösch Holding AG, a    Rawd Brewery have an
             under construction and   “We expect that in five   specialist in value-added   off take agreement for
             likely to be completed   years from now, we      float glass for technology   about 50% production of
             by third quarter of the   will generate 40% of   transfer to set up the   Bangkok Glass. Container
             year. The 600 tons per   the total revenue in our   float glass plant. Glas   glass sales volume of
             day plant will produce   glass business from the   Trösch Group operates   Bangkok Glass dropped to
             high quality float,      float glass division. In   about 70 glass processing   890,000 tons in 2016 from
             printed and speciality   contrast, the container   plants across Europe,   980,000 tons in 2014.



            Momentum Recycling’s     and help the state of    Construction, Owens      63%, while non-deposit
            new facility marks the first   Colorado move towards a   Illinois and CDPHE —   states (like Colorado) only
            bottle-to-bottle recycling   goal of zero waste.”  Solid Waste Division,   reach about 24%.
            plant in Colorado        Momentum Recycling       to help move Colorado    In Colorado, over
            and is located near      currently recycles glass   towards a goal of better   320,000 tons of glass
            Northwest Parkway in     from communities         recycling practices and   bottles and jars were
            unincorporated Boulder.   all around Colorado     zero waste.              thrown away in 2015,
            The new Colorado facility   including Boulder     In 2013, in the US, 34%   with only 20,000 tons
            is the Salt Lake City-based   County, Larimer County   of all glass containers were   recycled, which means
            company’s first facility   and Denver County. In   recycled, equivalent to   only 6.25% of glass
            outside of Utah, and will   addition, Momentum    taking 210,000 cars off the   bottles and jars were being
            drive the glass recycling   Recycling has partnered   road each year. However,   recycled in Colorado.
            rate in Colorado to over   with companies such as   these numbers are      Momentum Recycling’s
            three times its current   Waste Management, Eco   skewed by the high glass   Colorado facility will
            level.                   Cycle, Alpine Disposal,   recycling rates in states   recycle an additional
            “We’re excited to be     Bestway Recycling,       with container deposit   49,000 tons of bottle glass
            opening this truly       Iron Woman               laws. States with container   each year, thus increasing
            innovative facility,                              deposit legislation have an   the glass recycling rate in
            especially in Colorado, a                         average glass container   Colorado from 6.25%
            state that has put such a                         recycling rate of just over   to 21.65%.
            significant focus on strong
            recycling practices,” said
            John Lair, President and
            CEO of Momentum
            Recycling. “This facility
            will produce high-quality
            recycled glass for use by
            local bottle manufacturers,
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