Page 32 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 2/2017
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             GERRESHEIMER            Dr Christian Fischer.    standardized
                                     Uwe Röhrhoff will leave   solutions to
             CEO                     the Company on 31        customers. Ready
                                     August 2017. Following   to fill packaging
             Dr Christian Fischer will   Dr Christian Fischer’s   solutions for vials are   more flexibility, increased
             join the Management     induction in August      based on Ompi EZ-fill     quality and safety and
             Board of Gerresheimer   2017, Uwe Röhrhoff will   packaging design. Ready   quicker time to market,”
             AG as an ordinary       continue to support his   to fill vials and cartridges   said Mauro Stocchi,
             member on 1 August      successor in an advisory   will extend the broad   General Manager
             2017 before taking over   capacity for a further three   Gerresheimer portfolio.   Pharmaceutical Systems
             as Chief Executive Officer   months.              Gerresheimer, a          division at Stevanato
             on 1 September 2017.    Dr Christian Fischer was   worldwide leader in    Group.
             Dr Christian Fischer    born in Furth im Wald,   primary packaging        Vials are the standard
             is currently President,   Germany, in 1964. From   solutions for the      primary packaging
             Performance Chemicals,   1984 to 1988 he studied   pharmaceutical industry,   for parenteral drugs.
             at BASF SE in           chemistry at the University   will enhance its portfolio   Gerresheimer offers vials
             Ludwigshafen, Germany.   of Regensburg, where he   by adding Gx RTF vials.   in all sizes corresponding
             Uwe Röhrhoff, CEO       gained his doctorate in   Ready-to-fill or ready-to-  to international standards
             of Gerresheimer AG,     1991. He then studied    use vials are the state of   and pharmacopoeia
             announced in November   business administration   the art solution to fulfil   requirements. The
             2015 that he would not   in Mannheim from 1993   customer requirements    Gerresheimer offering
             be available to serve on   to 1996. In 2014, he was   for quality, flexibility and   includes solutions
             the Management Board    appointed an honorary    simplicity. To achieve   for biotech and other
             beyond his current      professor at the Technical   this, Gerresheimer and   specialist pharma drugs.
             appointment. “In Dr     University of Munich     Ompi have signed a       The new Gx RTF vial
             Christian Fischer, we have   (TUM). Dr Fischer has   mutual agreement to   portfolio will be based
             gained an outstanding   worked at BASF since     allow Gerresheimer to    on already established
             leader as CEO. He brings   1993. Having started his   use the Ompi EZ-fill   quality offerings for vials
             with him 24 years of    career as a laboratory   packaging technology.    like PharmaPlus and Elite
             industry experience and   team leader, he has held   The new products will   Glass. By adapting this
             has demonstrated his    various positions at the   provide customers with   knowledge to vials and
             entrepreneurial drive in   company, including    more flexibility: either   combining it with the
             various roles at BASF, both   Deputy Division Manager,   with small batches –   well-established Ompi
             in Germany and abroad.   Global Marketing        initially at the clinical-  EZ-fill packaging, this
             Over the past few years,   Director, Sales Director   trial stage – or with   solution provides added
             Gerresheimer has refined   and Group Vice President   industrial production.  value to customers,
             its strategic focus, made   in different divisions in   “Our new portfolio   enabling them to source
             successful acquisitions   Ludwigshafen and Hong   will meet the           one identically packed
             and divestments, and    Kong. He was President,   growing demand for      vial from two suppliers.
             established numerous    Advanced Materials       comprehensive solutions.   Ready-to-fill vials are
             operational initiatives   & Systems Research     Together with Ompi we    washed and sterilized
             – these will ensure a   and currently serves as   will take a further step   solutions provided in
             smooth and seamless     President, Performance   towards establishing     trays or in nests and
             transition,” explained Dr   Chemicals, at BASF SE in   one standardized   tubs. The pharmaceutical
             Axel Herberg, Chairman   Ludwigshafen.           platform for ready-to-fill   customer can
             of the Supervisory      PRIMARY                  vials, which make the    immediately fill the ready-
             Board of Gerresheimer   PACKAGING                customer process very    to-fill vials without any
             AG. “Gerresheimer AG    PORTFOLIO                easy and smooth,” said   further process.
             is a highly successful,   NOW                    Uwe Röhrhoff, CEO of     Gerresheimer has been
             international company   INCLUDES                 Gerresheimer AG.         producing RTF glass
             and a trusted partner to   READY-TO-             “We’re glad our leading   syringes (ready to fill)
             the pharma and healthcare   FILL VIALS           technology has been      for more than 15 years
             industry. I am looking                           adopted by Gerresheimer.   already and has recently
             forward to my new role   Gerresheimer partners   Our solution, which has   launched RTF COP
             in this exciting company   with Ompi, Stevanato   proved to be scalable, will   syringes produced in
             and market,” added      Group, to offer          benefit the customer with   Europe.

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