Page 16 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3/2017
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                                            ZIGNAGO VETRO      million, while exports
                                                               decreased 1.4% to EUR
            REVENUE AND MARGINS                                126.1 million and margins   The group’s balance sheet
                                                               increased to 25.1% (from   at the end of 2016 shows
                       INCREASE IN 2016                        23.6% in 2015) with      net debt up to EUR 156.4
                                                               small offsets from costs of   million, compared to EUR
             Zignago Vetro has       evidencing an increase    goods and services, which   129 million at the end of
             approved its 2016 budget   in consolidated revenue   declined 2% to EUR 176   2015.
             that closes with a business   and progress in operating   million.         Within the year, the
             deal of EUR 323 million,   margins.               A double-digit increase   group made technical
             up 1.4%; EBITDA of      The positive trend in     in Ebit of EUR 47.4      investments of EUR 72
             approximately EUR       demand has persisted      million, up 12.8%, after   million, while the net
             81 million, up 7.8%;    throughout 2016 in the    depreciation of EUR 33.2   cash flow generated by
             and EBIT of EUR 47.4    Italian and EUR pean      million (up 3.6%) and    operations was over EUR
             million, up 12.8%. Net   glass container markets   provisions decreased by   52 million.
             profit was EUR 31.2      for food and beverages.   EUR 1 million to EUR .3   The board is proposing to
             million, up 7.4%. Net   International perfume     million.                 shareholders a distribution
             debt increased to 156.4   markets were also       Minor net finance         of dividend per share of
             million from EUR 129    positive with differing   charges were down 12%    EUR .252 (.235 EUR in
             million at the end of   developments in various   to EUR 3.5 million and   2016), paid on 10 May
             2015, compared to net   geographical areas. In    nonrecurring revenues    2017, for a total of EUR
             assets of EUR 155.5     this context, the group   decreased from EUR 3.6   21.8 million (EUR 20.3
             million (EUR 145.6      closed 2016 with a        million in 2015 to EUR .9   million in 2016), a payout
             million in 2015).       1.4% increase in profit    million within the period.  of 70% of consolidated
             Zignago Vetro, which    of approximately EUR      All this leads to a      net debt.
             produces containers     323 million, sustained    net income of EUR        Management states that
             for the food and        by the development of     31.2 million, up 7.4%    demand within its various
             cosmetics industries,   the domestic market,      compared to the end of   operating sectors in 2017
             approves its 2016 results   up 3.2% to EUR 192.4   2015.                   remains high.

                                                   NAMPAK      BETA GLASS

              POSITION ON ZIMGLASS                             TOP PERFORMING

                  TAKEOVER SWITCHED                            ON NSE

                                                              Beta Glass PLC, a
                                                              subsidiary of Frigoglass
                                                              Industries Nigeria
                                                              Limited, engaged in
                                                              the manufacturing and
                                                              selling of glassware,
                                                              has gained 39.12% this
             South African packaging company Nampak has decided   year to achieve the status top performing stock on the
             against taking over the country’s only flint glassmaker   Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE).
             Zimbabwe Glass Industries, Zimglass. The Johannesburg   Beta Glass is a mid-cap stock with market capitalisation
             Stock Exchange listed Nampak specialises in glass, plastics,   of N21.09 billion.
             paper and tin packaging and last year made inquiries   With manufacturing plants in Agbara Ogun state and in
             about taking over Zimglass, a subsidiary of the Industrial   Ughelli Delta state, the company produces, distributes,
             Development Corporation (IDC). Zimglass, based in   and sells glass bottles and containers for the soft drinks,
             Gweru, has been insolvent since 2010 and applied for   wine and spirit, pharmaceutical, and cosmetics industries
             judicial management in 2014 claiming lack of capital, debt   and exports to over 13 countries, including Angola,
             overhang, and mismanagement. The company’s assets   Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Gabon, Gambia,
             stood at USD 19.2 million as of December 2014. Its   Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Mauritius, Rwanda, Sierra
             liabilities were USD 31.2 million.               Leone and Togo.

                glass machinery plants & accessories 3/2017
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