Page 20 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3/2017
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                                           BEATSON CLARK       ICG

                           BEATSON CLARK  9  ICG WORKSHOP FOR
                           TO LAUNCH NEW  NEW RESEARCHERS IN

                                  BEER BOTTLE GLASS SCIENCE AND


                                                               The 9th workshop for new researchers in glass science
                                                               and technology glass formation, structure, and properties
                                                               and how numerical modeling can help to disentangle
                                                               some key technological challenges in glasses.
                                                               The workshop will be composed of two interwoven
                                                               threads. The first thread will overview fundamentals
                                                               in glass science emphasising structure-property
                                                               relationships, experimental techniques and material
                                                               simulations. Specific properties, their structural
                                                               dependence, and applications will be discussed, e.g.
             Scottish craft beer     said Chris Palmer,        optical behaviour, transport phenomena, nucleation
             innovator BrewDog has   Business Development      and crystallisation, and strength. The second thread
             upped the ante with     Manager at Beatson        this year will focus on a variety of process and product
             its latest powerfully   Clark.                    simulations. On the one hand, numerical technologies
             hopped product: a       “Even though it’s a small   combined with experiments offer the optimal design
             22% miniature hit of    bottle we were still able   guide for key industrial processes, e.g.  heat transfer,
             hops sold in 100ml      to emboss the BrewDog     melt flow, and glass forming. On the other hand, stress
             bottles designed and    logo on the neck to       analysis and data-oriented technologies are beneficial to
             manufactured by         complement the Abstrakt   designing products of sufficient quality.  In the sessions
             Beatson Clark.          bottle we designed for    where the two threads overlap, all participants will cross
             Hop Shot is described   them at the same time.”   two bridges: one between science and technology, the
             by BrewDog as “a        Beatson Clark’s new       other between academia and industry.  The lecturers
             high-velocity hop hit”   Hop Shot bottle          will be world experts in their fields.  A significant aspect
             and is achieved through   complements the 375ml   of the workshop will be student-centred projects that
             ice distillation, which   embossed Champagne-     will help participants to develop their understanding by
             concentrates strength   style beer bottle which   applying what they know to specific issues.
             and flavour by removing   the company recently
             the ice that forms during   designed for Brewdog’s
             the brewing process.    Abstrakt range of
             The beer is brewed using   occasional brews.
             five North American hop   “BrewDog is a long-     ARDAGH GROUP
             varieties –  Centennial,   standing customer of
             Columbus, Simcoe,       ours and we’re always    PATENT
             Citra and Amarillo –    happy to be asked to
             and its aroma retains   produce a new bottle for   INFRINGEMENT DENIED
             a huge amount of        them,” Chris added.
             hop character, from     “We are well placed to   The Ardagh Group disagrees with a US jury verdict in a
             grapefruit peel and     fulfil this type of       patent infringement case.
             stewed orange to heady   contract as we have a   Green Mountain LLC claims that is was infringed by
             pine sap and resin.     great deal of            Ardagh’s US glass business, which was previously
             “This was a challenging   experience in glass    named Verallia North America or VNA. The jury
             design as we had to     packaging for the        verdict in favour of Green Mountain was noted on
             maintain the small      brewing industry and we   21 April and Ardagh disagrees and plans to pursue
             capacity while meeting   can manufacture         all options available including appealing the charge.
             the height requirements   bespoke bottles at small   The case was filed by Green Mountain before Ardagh
             of the filling equipment,”   volumes.”            acquired VNA.

                glass machinery plants & accessories 3/2017
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