Page 18 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3/2017
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             PIRAMAL GLASS                                                              borrowings has increased
                                                                                        the company’s debt-to-
             FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE                                                      equity ratio to 50:50 from
                                                                                        40:60. But the adverse
                                              million with     and 2019.                impact from it on overall
                                              Piramal having   Currently Piramal        stock valuations has been
                                              to import half   operates at 90% capacity   somewhat mitigated by
                                              of its demand    after the 20% capacity   the rise in risk free rate
                                              from its parent   enhancement.            and LPG prices.
                                              company in       The EBIT margin is       Debt is cheaper than
             The recent capacity             India, Piramal    projected to stay at 10.2%   equity until it reaches an
             enhancement and the      Glass Limited.           levels during 2017 and   optimal level.
             commissioning of the dual   Meanwhile, during 3Q17   2018 before rising to   India’s Piramal Glass
                                      the company completed    10.9% due to the upward   Limited held 56.45% stake
             furnace firing at Piramal
                                      its dual furnace firing   trend forecasted in fuel,   in the company while the
             Glass Ceylon PLC
             appears to be having a   – furnace oil and LPG    which constitutes 25% of   state-controlled private
             limited positive impact on   – aimed at containing   total energy cost.    sector pension fund,
             the company’s immediate   the energy costs, the   Further, Bartleet Religare   Employees’ Provident
             financial performance     company’s biggest        expects the doubling     Fund held 9.51% stake
             as profits and margins    challenge.               of finance costs due      being the second largest
             are projected to remain   For the nine months     to the INR 3.0 billion   shareholder.
             flat though the medium-   ended 31 December        borrowings made for      Norges Bank, the Central
             term outlook is expected   2016, the company      capital expenditure to   Bank of Norway, held
             to remain positive, an   reported earnings of INR   result in a flat bottom line   2.68% stake being the
             equity research on the   275.1 million, against   in 2018.                 third largest shareholder
             company’s stock said.    INR 452.1 million during   This rise in long-term   of Piramal Ceylon.
             According to the research   the corresponding period
             arm of the stock broking   of the last year.
             firm, Bartleet Religare   The gross profit margin
             Securities (Private)     and Earnings Before                                      GLASS SERVICE
             Limited, who has given a   Interest and Tax (EBIT)
             “buy” recommendation     margins also improved         14TH INTERNATIONAL
             on Piramal stock, the    to 26.9% and 16.9%,
             positives expected from   respectively, attributable                   SEMINAR ON
             enhanced capacity and    to the dual furnace firing.
             cost savings from dual   Bartleet, in its three-year           FURNACE DESIGN
             furnace firing could be   forecast projected a net
             off-set by the rising fuel   profit of INR 446 million
             prices and the doubling   for 2017, which will only   Registration
             of the finance cost due to   go up to INR 449 million   for the Glass
             higher borrowings.       in 2018 before rising    Service 14th
             Piramal, Sri Lanka’s sole   to INR 589 million in   International
             manufacturer of moulded   2019, mainly driven by   Seminar
             glass containers for food   the top-line growth and   on Furnace
             and beverage products,   increasing margins due   Design to
             pharmaceuticals,         to added capacity as the   be held 21-            for the event and view the
             cosmetics and perfumes   company will not have to   22 June 2017 in Velke   preliminary programme of
             closed its Horana factory   outsource to cater to the   Karlovice of the Czech   lectures online at seminar.
             during 2Q17 for two      rising demand.           Republic is ongoing. The Papers will be
             months to increase its   The top line is projected   seminar targets advanced   given by glassmakers and
             capacity by 20%.         at INR 7.7 billion in    technologies for the     institutes such as Corning,
             This impacted the        2017, INR 9.7 billion in   glass industry such as   Charles University
             company’s financial       2018 and INR 10.5 billion   mathematical simulation   Prague, Johns Manville,
             performance as its 1H17   in 2018 with a capacity   of furnaces and advanced   Praxair, Saint-Gobain,
             profit after tax fell by   utilization of 85% and   control using models.   Schneider Electric and
             almost 75% to INR 73.1   88%, respectively, in 2018   Attendees can register   Sisecam.

                glass machinery plants & accessories 3/2017
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