Page 21 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3/2017
P. 21


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             GERRESHEIMER                                                               Gerresheimer fell 5.9% in
                                                                                        early trading to the bottom
             US HEALTHCARE CONFUSION                                                    of the German mid-cap
                                                                                        index, which slipped 0.4%.
             Revenues at             February as sales in North   leaving drugmakers    “The fact that the
             Gerresheimer’s business   America slipped.        uncertain as to how pricing   management currently
             division that makes glass   “Greater uncertainty with   and demand may be   sees just the lower end of
             bottles and vials for drugs   regard to the new U.S.   affected.           the FY revenue guidance
             fell 2.9 percent in its fiscal   government triggered   Overall, Gerresheimer’s   should not come as a
             first quarter.           a relatively pronounced   revenues were down more   major negative surprise
             German drugs-packaging   reticence among a        than 5% at EUR 302.8     after the expected slow
             firm Gerresheimer said   number of large pharma    million (USD 323.1       start to the year,” said
             its major pharmaceutical   customers to place orders,”   million) in the quarter,   DZ Bank analyst Sven
             customers had been more   Gerresheimer said in a   missing analyst consensus   Kuerten, reiterating his
             cautious in placing orders   statement, adding that   of EUR 307 million in a   “buy” rating. Gerresheimer
             due to uncertainty over the   European cosmetic glass   Reuters poll.      reiterated that adjusted
             new US administration’s   sales had risen.        The group said it expected   earnings before interest,
             policies, sending its   President Donald Trump    full-year revenues at the   tax, depreciation and
             shares lower. Revenues at   has promised to increase   lower end of its forecast   amortisation (EBITDA)
             Gerresheimer’s business   competition in the      range of EUR 1.405       should rise to around EUR
             division that makes glass   pharmaceutical industry   billion to 1.455 billion.   320 million this year from
             bottles and vials for drugs   without giving details,   Analysts on average see   EUR 308 million in 2016,
             fell 2.9% in its fiscal first   while promised healthcare   2017 revenues of EUR   after a 6% slide in the first
             quarter through the end of   reform has been delayed,   1.43 billion. Shares in   quarter.
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