Page 27 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3/2017
P. 27

businessnews                                     From Concept

                                                                   to Completion
                     www .g

                                              ALLIED GLASS
                                                                   s Glass Furnaces
                  DEBT RESTRUCTURED
                                                                   s Batch Plants

                                                                   s Turnkey Projects

             Plans for further        specialist asset-based
                                      lending and cashflow
             growth at Allied
             Glass Containers         team comprising James
             have been boosted by     Cullen, Paul Rablen and
             a GBP 75 million debt    Steve Ive.
             restructuring deal.      Cullen said: “We
             The Leeds-based          regard the Allied Glass
             manufacturer and         management team
             distributor of glass     as best-in-class and
             bottles and containers   we’re delighted to be
             produces 600 million     partnering with them at
             bottles per annum        a really exciting time in
             across 450 product       their story.
             lines and has seen       “This transaction is a
             strong growth in the     great example of our
             global whisky and gin    strategy to support
             markets.                 great British businesses,
             Specialist banking       putting them on the front
             company, Investec,       foot to compete in a
             created a bespoke        global marketplace post-
             debt structure           Brexit.
             comprising a mix of      “A changing economic
             asset-based and cashflow   landscape requires a shift
                                                                                  HFT provides engineering, procurement and construction
             lending to support       from a traditional debt
                                                                                  services, as well as, turnkey projects for the glass industry.
             the company’s long       approach to more flexible                    Our leadership, abilities and attention to details have given
             term growth, working     financing.”                                  HFT a highly respected reputation worldwide.
             capital and seasonality   He added:
             requirements.            “Manufacturers and
             Alan Henderson, chief    distributors are well
             executive of Allied      suited to asset-based
             Glass, said: “The team   and cashflow lending
             at Investec designed     debt structures
             a blended funding        because they have
             structure specifically    high levels of balance
             for our business’s shape   sheet working capital
             and needs, giving us the   within receivables and    Engineers and Contractors to the Glass Industry
             firepower and headroom    inventory alongside
             to take advantage of     cashflow to service term                  3009 Washington Road
             growth in our market.”   lending.                            McMurray, PA  15317-3202 ÷ USA
             Private equity firm       “We’re keen to work
             CBPE Capital has held a   with great                    
             majority stake in Allied   management teams in
             Glass since 2013.        compelling businesses
             The debt package was     such as Allied                       +1 724 941 9550
             delivered by Investec’s   Glass.”
                                                                          Fax: +1 724 941 3479

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