Page 29 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3/2017
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             Ferro (NYSE:FOE)         analysts predict that    About Ferro              Pigments, Powders
             last issued its earnings   Ferro Co. will post $1.17   Ferro Corporation   and Oxides. Its
             results on Wednesday,    earnings per share for the   (Ferro) produces specialty   Performance Coatings
             March 1st. The specialty   current year.          materials that are sold to   segment includes Tile
             chemicals company        Several research firms    a range of manufacturers.   Coating Systems and
             reported $0.27 EPS for   have recently weighed    The Company’s segments   Porcelain Enamel. Its
             the quarter, topping the   in on FOE. TheStreet   include Performance      manufacturers make
             consensus estimate of    lowered shares of Ferro   Coatings; Performance   products for various end-
             $0.21 by $0.06. Ferro    from a “b-” rating to a   Colors and Glass, and   use markets.
             had a net margin of      “c” rating in a research
             4.49% and a return on    note on Wednesday,
             equity of 27.35%. The    March 29th. KeyCorp           Put your company on the web!
             company had revenue of   restated an “outperform”
             $281.30 million for the   rating and set a $18.00                ASK FOR THE
             quarter, compared to the   price objective (up from
             consensus estimate of    $17.00) on shares of
             $279.25 million. During   Ferro in a research note                          FREE-OF-CHARGE
             the same period in the   on Monday, March 6th.
             previous year, the firm   Finally, Zacks Investment
             earned $0.19 earnings per   Research upgraded shares         INTERNET SERVICE
             share. The firm’s revenue   of Ferro from a “sell”
             for the quarter was up   rating to a “hold” rating                CONTACT US AT:
             6.2% on a year-over-year   in a research note on        E-mail:
             basis. On average, equities   Thursday, March 2nd.

                                                                                    Making good wine

                                                                                                  is pure art;

                                                                             have you ever thought

                                                                      about glass the same way?

                                                                                         > ANNEALING LEHRS
                                                                                         > DECORATING LEHRS
                                                                                         > TOUGHENING LEHRS
                                                                                         > STACKERS

                                                                                         > CROSS CONVEYORS
                                                                                         > HOT GLASS SCRAPERS
                                                                                         > MOULD PRE-HEATING OVENS

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