Page 28 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3/2017
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                                                     FERRO     the specialty chemicals   company’s stock valued at
                                                               company’s stock valued at   $28,092,000 after buying
                     INVESTORS MODIFY                          $14,584,000 after buying   an additional 338,388
                                                               an additional 189,160    shares during the last
                    HOLDINGS OF FERRO                          shares during the last   quarter. Hedge funds
                                                               quarter. Smith Graham &   and other institutional
            GSA Capital Partners,    company is Menta Capital   Co. Investment Advisors   investors own 97.44% of
            Menta Capital, Teachers   LLC. It raised its stake in   LP acquired a new stake   the company’s stock.
            Advisors, and Boston     shares of Ferro by 34.5%   in shares of Ferro during   Shares of Ferro Co.
            Partners raised stake in   in the fourth quarter.   the third quarter valued   (NYSE:FOE) traded
            Ferro Co. (FOE)          Menta Capital LLC now     at about $4,836,000.     up 2.53% during mid-
            According to the recent   owns 149,643 shares of   Essex Investment         day trading on Monday,
            filing with the SEC, GSA   the specialty chemicals   Management Co. LLC      hitting $15.80. 604,055
            Capital Partners LLP     company’s stock valued    acquired a new stake in   shares of the company
            acquired a new position in   at $2,144,000 after   shares of Ferro during   traded hands. The stock’s
            Ferro Co. (NYSE:FOE)     buying an additional      the third quarter valued   market capitalization is
            during the fourth quarter.   38,344 shares during the   at about $1,050,000.   $1.32 billion. Ferro Co.
            GSA acquired 23,902      last quarter. Teachers    Finally, Boston Partners   has a one year low of
            shares of Ferro’s stock,   Advisors LLC raised     raised its stake in shares   $11.76 and a one year
            valued at approximately   its stake in shares of   of Ferro by 20.0% in the   high of $16.17. The firm
            $343,000.                Ferro by 21.8% in the     third quarter. Boston    has a 50-day moving
            Another investor that has   third quarter. Teachers   Partners now owns     average of $14.73 and a
            adjusted its holdings of   Advisors LLC now owns   2,034,222 shares of      200-day moving average
            the specialty chemicals   1,056,029 shares of      the specialty chemicals   of $14.37.

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