Page 32 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3/2017
P. 32

         company meetings

             SYMPOSIUM 2017

             HAMBURG                                                             Heye International

                                                                                 Symposium 2017 will

             H     AMELIN 2013        Heye    was a great opportunity for glass   be held in Hamburg

                                              people from all over the world
                                                                                 in June. A variety
                   International Symposium
             was held in 2013 in Hamelin, the   to meet and exchange ideas”.     of distinguished
                                              Feedback from 2013 has been
             fabled town near Hanover in the   good and has helped to highlight
             north of Germany. It attracted   a number of areas that will be the
             glass container manufacturers    focus of the Heye International    speakers will introduce
             from 21 countries and was an     Symposium 2017 to be held at
             interesting mixture of business,   Hotel LeMeridien in Hamburg      discussions on the
             technology, and market trends.   from 19 to 21 June.
             The watch-words of the meet-                                        theme “BSmart.
             ing were “Leadership – Trust –   SPEAKERS
             Productivity”.                     “We try to have a good mix       Motivate. Operate.”
               According to Mark Ziegler,     of speakers from other indus-
             Marketing Manager at Heye, “it   tries and an interesting mix of
                                                                                 Canice Murray

                                                                               content. For instance, we have
                                                                               Premal Denali, a board member
                                                                               of thyssenkrupp Steel Europe,
                                                                               one of the biggest German steel
                                                                               manufacturers, to talk about their
                                                                               digitalization. Steel is a very tra-
                                                                               ditional industry, like the glass
                                                                               industry. We also have Ernst
                                                                               Raue who was responsible for a
                                                                               large computer fair in Hanover
                                                                               for many years and he will talk
                                                                               about the Internet of Things.”

                                                                               TRAINING AND MOTIVATING
                                                                                 “As the processes used in the
                                                                               industry are becoming ever more
                                                                               digitalized, it is necessary to build
                                                                               a bridge between the utilization
                                                                               of the Internet of Things and
                                                                               the human beings who work in
                                                                               the plant. It makes no sense to
                                                                               use high technology equipment
                                                                               without training and motivating

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