Page 65 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3/2017
P. 65

BASIC AND                        target balls, including specially   The MBTxt devices are battery
             ADVANCED MODELS                  configured ‘magnetic’ balls, to   operated and completely port-
               The MBTxt is available in      facilitate greater flexibility and   able. The base unit is sized to
             two models. The MBT7200xt, a     precision over an expanded       fit in one’s hand and the com-
             basic version, includes real-time   thickness range.              bined base unit and probe weigh
             measurement, display of mini-                                     less than 1 kilo (2.2 pounds).
             mum and maximum thickness        ADVANCED PROBE DESIGN            Additionally, each unit is sup-
             and storage of up to 100,000       One of the most profound fea-  plied with its own carrying case
             values. The MBT7400xt, an        tures of the MBT7200/7400xt      to house the base unit, probes
             advanced version, includes the   Gauging System is in the design   and accessories making it easy to
             same capabilities plus statisti-  of the sensor probes. These     transport to any location.
             cal graphing, trending capabili-  incorporate a process called      The internal data logger
             ties and an expanded database.    ‘integrated digital signal process-  and statistical functions of the
             Interchangeable sensor probes    ing’, where all measuring signals   MBT7400xt facilitate data collec-
             are available for both units mak-  are created and completely pro-  tion in production areas and QC
             ing it possible to configure the   cessed inside the sensor itself.   laboratories, making it an ideal
             measurement range and preci-     Only completely processed digi-  tool for data-gathering applica-
             sion appropriate for the appli-  tal readings are transferred to the   tions. A large digital display per-
             cation. A notable feature of the   base unit for display, statistical   mits the operator to easily view
             MBTxt is its expanded measure-   analysis and storage. Unlike ana-  current thickness readings as
             ment range which is over twice   logue devices, error influences   well as minimum and maximum
             the range of previous offerings.  on the measuring data during    measurements. Stored measure-
               Based upon the ‘Hall Effect’   transfer over the cable (signal   ments can be transferred to other
             principal, the MBTxt features    to noise ratio) are substantially   devices via an RS232 or USB
             an advanced sensor design        reduced. This design ensures that   connection. An optional foot
             that works in conjunction with   measurements are true with the   switch is available for hands-free
             specially treated target balls to   highest accuracy.             data capture.
             achieve the highest precision and
             repeatability. Balls of this design   HARDENED PROBE TIP            Agr International Inc. develops
             provide improved measurement       The sensor probes on the       and manufactures a full line of
             reproducibility of up to 0.5 per   MBTxt incorporate stainless steel   laboratory, on-line quality and
             cent over untreated balls. The   housings and hardened carbide    process management devices for
             new “xt” version offers two sen-  tips. This design provides for   containers and similar products
             sor options, with ranges from    long service life and limited wear   for the packaging industry. Agr
             0-9 millimetres and 0-24 mil-    to the probe tip even when work-  headquarters and main manu-
             limetres. In addition to a re-   ing with hard materials such as   facturing facility are located in
             designed sensor, the MBTxt is    glass. This feature is particularly   Butler, PA, United States. O
             provided with a wider range of   important in the glass container

                  MBTXT                       CALIBRATION MODES
                                                In order to provide the most
              main features                   versatility with the highest accu-
                                              racy for given tasks, a selection
         Some of the notable features on the
         MBTxt series gauges include:         of calibration modes are included
         t  $PNQBDU TJ[F BOE MJHIU XFJHIU GPS   with the MBTxt. Available cali-
            NBYJNVN QPSUBCJMJUZ               brations include a factory mode
         t  8FBS SFTJTUBOU DBSCJEF TFOTPS UJQ  for quick and simple measure-         AGR EUROPE
         t  &BTZ DBMJCSBUJPO XJUI ADBMJCSBUJPO   ments, zero point calibration
            NFNPSZ                            (zero only) and multi-point cali-
                                                                                         Via Torricelli, 14a
         t  .JOJNVN BOE NBYJNVN SFBEJOHT      bration (zero + 1-4 points) for     42027 Montecchio Emilia (RE) - Italy
            BOE PGG TFU NFBTVSFNFOU NPEF                                              Tel.: +39 - 0522 - 861190
         t  .VMUJQMF DBMJCSBUJPO NPEFT VQ UP     the highest accuracy. Once cali-     Fax: +39 - 0522 - 864241
            QPJOUT                            brated, the system’s ‘calibration      E-mail:
         t  .FOV DPOUSPMMFE VTFS JOUFSGBDF    memory’ retains the calibration
         t  -BSHF  FBTZ UP SFBE EJTQMBZ       even with the unit turned off.

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