Page 64 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3/2017
P. 64

         Specialized equipment

                The MBTxt can be used for
               routine bottle sidewall
               thickness measurements as well
               as difficult areas such as bot-
               tle heel, base and finish regions
               with ease and precision

                                                                                The MBTxt is can be
                                                                               used in the lab or easily
                                                                               transported to other locations

             Acquiring accurate thickness     measurements, difficult areas     a range of material thickness-
             measurements in critical loca-   such as bottle heel, base and    es. The availability of two eas-
             tions can therefore be quite chal-  finish regions, as well as heavily   ily interchangeable sensor probe
             lenging. The conical shape of    decorated areas, can be achieved   options and the wide selection of
             the MBT sensor probe facilitates   with ease and precision. Even   target balls provide the versatil-
             measurement in very intricate    extremely difficult-to-measure    ity to measure very thin materi-
             locations. This feature, along   regions such as corner areas     als such as those encountered in
             with its high accuracy and wide   on non-round containers can be   tubing products and small vials
             measurement range, create a      measured with the same accu-     with a low end range of 0-2 mil-
             powerful measurement system      racy as routine sidewall measure   limetres (0.1 μm resolution) to
             that is aptly suited for measuring   ments.                       applications where the material
             the diverse range of products in   In addition to measuring criti-  is very thick such as in cham-
             many glass production facilities.   cal areas and complex shapes,   pagne bottle bases, candle ware
             Routine bottle sidewall thickness   the MBTxt can accommodate     and similar products.

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