Page 60 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3/2017
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                                 VERALLIA                                       Verallia’s new and

                                                                                recently inaugurated

                                  state-of-the-art                              installations at its

                                                                                Everglass site of

                                          technology  Rozet-Saint-Albin and

                         for recycling and                                      Oiry, France, involve

                                                                                investments of  more than
                                           production                           EUR 7 million and EUR

                                                                                20 million respectively.

                  VERGLASS - RECYCLING        out of four glass containers) of   Thanks to these important
                    Verallia’s EUR 7 mil-     household glass is recycled.
             E lion investment has ena-         Subsidiary of the manufac-      investments, the two
             bled an existing flint glass sort-  turing group Verallia, Everglass
             ing machine at its Everglass site   treats over 20 per cent of domes-  sites are now equipped
             of Rozet-Saint-Albin, France, to   tic glass collected in France at
             be equipped with laser techno-   its two sites in Rozet-Saint-Albin   with state-of-the-art
             logy, ensuring a higher recovery   (Aisne) and Châteaubernard
             of optically-separated waste. An   (Charente). Modernizing instal-  technologies to better
             additional optical sorting unit has   lations at the Rozet-Saint-Albin
             also been installed to optimize the   site will optimize the quality of   sort collected glass, thus
             sorting of infusible solids (por-  cullet produced – used espe-
             celain, ceramics, etc.) and sepa-  cially in the production of glass   enabling greater cullet
             rate flint from coloured glass. In   containers – and in doing so
             addition, the installation of an   reduce the glass sector’s car-  recycling in glassmaking
             exchanger now makes it possible   bon footprint. Indeed, Everglass
             to recover the calories consumed   provides its glass manufacturing   furnaces at Everglass,
             by the waste compressors to pre-  customers with quality cullet that
             heat the dryer, the most energy-  replaces natural raw materials   and completely
             intensive stage in the process.   and releases fewer greenhouse
             Lastly, load weighing automation   gas emissions during combustion   modernizing the
             thanks to a storage silo improves   in the furnace.
             both circulation and safety on     The Rozet-Saint-Albin site      production capabilities
             the site.                        annually produces around 230
               Up to EUR 1.2 million of this   kilotons of cullet and has 30
             investment is supported by the   employees. Work on modern-        at Oiry.
             Hauts-de-France region (region-
             al funds associated: FREME) and
             by the Ademe, as well as by                            VERALLIA
             the European Union (EU funds
             associated: FEDER) up to EUR       An independent group, Verallia is one of the world’s top three manufactu-
             0.5 million.                       rers of glass packaging for food and beverages, and proposes innovative,
               Glass is a ‘permanent’ materi-   customized and environmentally-friendly solutions. Verallia produced
             al: it is infinitely recyclable at 100   around 16 billion glass bottles and jars in 2016. Verallia’s business model
             per cent without this operation    is based on combining the strength of its global network (manufacturing
             altering its intrinsic qualities. In   operations in 13 countries, sales locations in 46 countries with 5 techni-
             France, 74.6 per cent (i.e. three   cal centres and 13 product development centres) and local customer
                                                relationships in all regions. In 2016, Verallia achieved net sales of EUR
                                                2.4 billion.

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