Page 61 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3/2017
P. 61


                                                Subsidiary of the Verallia group, Everglass specializes in the treatment
                                                of glass collected from French households (via glass recycling bins).
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                                                notably reused in glassmaking furnaces that produce bottles and jars.
                                                Everglass achieved net sales of EUR 10 million in 2015. The company
                                                employs 53 people at its two sites in Rozet-Saint-Albin (Aisne) and
                                                Châteaubernard (Charente).

             izing the site called on the skills
             and talent of a 15-strong team
             over eight months, from March
             to October 2016 and throughout
             this works period, the site contin-
             ued to operate.
               “Through this investment, we
             are pursuing our mission as an
             engaged actor at the heart of the
             circular economy and confirm-
             ing our efforts to improve our
             employees’ safety and working
             conditions," stated Emmanuel
             Auberger, CEO of Verallia France
             and chairman of Everglass.
               Everglass’s Rozet-Saint-Albin
             site supplies cullet to Verallia’s
             plants in Vauxrot (near Soissons
             in the Aisne department, 30
             kilometres away) and Oiry (in
             the Marne, 80 kilometres from
             OIRY - PRODUCTION
               With an important investment
             of EUR 20 million at its Oiry
             plant, Verallia is continuing to
             pursue its world-class manufac-
             turing strategy focused on opti-
             mizing the quality of its products
             and services, as close as possi-
             ble to its customers. Champagne

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