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                                                   RENOLD     the range of use and     or any other layout.
                                                              lifetime, but of course, the   The interlocking power
                     RENOLD STAINLESS                         beneficial features of the   transmission between
                                                              product design will still be   the inverted tooth chain
          INVERTED TOOTH CHAINS                               incorporated into Renold   and the sprocket ensures
                                                              chain.                   slip-free drive operation.
                                                              As stainless steel has a   The inverted tooth chain
                                                              lower thermal conductivity   engages with the sprocket
                                                              than standard steel, the   with minimal impact to
                                                              interface temperature    minimize energy loss. The
             Stainless steel for     Uwe Gillert has frequently   between the burning hot   2-pin rolling pivot joint
             increased efficiency and   visited and supported   glass and the inverted   features virtually zero
             reduced waste.          designers, maintenance   tooth chain increases.   friction loss. This results
             “Admittedly, the        staff and production     “This way, base cracks   in efficiencies of up to
             designation ‘stainless   managers in glass plants   in the glass are reduced,   99% and reduces wear
             inverted tooth chains’   and at the factories of   which results in minimal   significantly.
             may be confusing –      equipment manufacturers.   waste during production,”   Another feature of Renold
             because the advantage of   During this time, he   explains the inverted   tooth chain, laser-welded
             our stainless steel inverted   has accumulated wide   tooth chain specialist.   rolling pivots, offer major
             tooth chains is not in   and detailed knowledge   Preheating the inverted   advantages in the glass
             the resistance of the   regarding the industrial   tooth chains is also no   industry. The smooth
             metal but in the thermal   production of glass   longer necessary. For a   contact surface on both
             conductivity properties   containers and he uses   standard IS-machine, this   sides of the inverted tooth
             of stainless steel”     his experience and       can save energy costs of   chain creates a gap-free
             emphasizes Uwe Gillert,   customer input to initiate   tens of thousands of Euro   transition between the
             glass industry manager   product improvements    per year.                inverted tooth chain
             for inverted tooth chain   and modifications to   Of course, the stainless   and the in feeding and
             manufacturer Renold.    the Renold conveyor      steel variant also features   transition points. This
             Renold Tooth Chain      tooth chains. Recently,   the classic advantages   process also reduces the
             introduced the stainless   specific adjustments   of the inverted tooth    risk of pin breakage.
             steel inverted tooth chain   have been made to the   chain design: Full flexible   Hardened outer link plates
             over 20 years ago and   original standard stainless   design using spacer   ensure a wear-resistant
             for more than 25 years   steel chains to increase   rings, extended pitch   and safe connection.

                                                                                              IRIS INSPECTION

                            IRIS UNVEILS 2018 EVOLUTION SOFTWARE

                                  RELEASE AT GLASSMAN EUROPE SHOW

             IRIS Inspection machines unveils its latest software   every year, illustrating the company’s focus on increasing
             release at this September’s Glassman Europe exhibition in   the precision of hollow glass inspection and the detection
             Lyon. IRIS Inspection machines unveils its latest software   of defects in order to maximize productivity in the glass
             release at this September’s Glassman Europe exhibition   container manufacturing process. The latest example of this
             in Lyon. Visitors to the event will be able to assess the   commitment is the release of the company’s 2018 Evolution
             extended features of the 2018 Evolution Software as   Software. Innovative features of this specially developed
             part of this world premiere. With headquarters on the   software include new defect algorithms for better and
             outskirts of Lyon, IRIS Inspection machines is among the   more precise identification and extended inspection, with a
             international glass container industry’s most innovative   generalization of all detection tools, body finish and base,
             suppliers of cold end inspection technology. The company   to non-round articles, specific shapes and engraved articles.
             specialises in the development of camera-based, non-  Improved repeatability of article orientation is assured, with
             contact inspection solutions, offering a range of equipment   new base inspection tools included as the recognition of
             to satisfy the precise requirements of the world’s leading   engraved zones etc. Glassman Europe 2017 takes place at
             glass packaging manufacturers.IRIS at Glassman Europe   the Cité de Congrès, Lyon on 6-7 September. Attendees are
             2015 More than 15% of turnover is invested in R&D   invited to visit IRIS Inspection machines on Stand No E01

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