Page 26 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4/2017
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                                          BORMIOLI ROCCO                                    yield bond, paying
                                                                                            a 10% coupon and
                    BEING SOLD TO TWO                                                       maturing in August
                                                                                            2018. The bond was
                     DIFFERENT BUYERS                                                       issued by Bormioli
                                                                                            Rocco Holdings and
             Italy’s glass bottles and   saw bids from other                                is rated B3 by
             container products      industrial groups such as                              Moody’s with a
             manufacturer Bormioli   Germany’s Gerresheimer                                 stable outlook.
             Rocco spa is said to be   and Italy’s Zignano                                  Borioli Rocco was
             close to be sold to two   Vetro. The controlling                               said to be valued
             different buyers in a deal   shareholder Vision                                about EUR 500-600
             that will see Triton private   Capital has been trying to                      million. However
             equity firm to buy       sell the company for some   reorganization of the   now it seems that bids
             the pharma division     months with Rothschild as   business in four different   are for a EUR 400-500
             and Bormioli Luigi glass   mandated advisor.     units in April 2014      million prices or 9-10x
             container manufacturer   Vision already          (Pharmaceutical Glass;   2015 Bormioli’s ebitda.
             to buy the household    sold Bormioli’s          Pharmaceutical Plastic;   Bormioli reached EUR
             division.               cosmetics division in    Tableware and Food &     451.9 million in revenues
             Last Spring Chinese     December 2013 to         Beverage).               in 2015, with a EUR 52.3
             conglomerate            Austrian Stölzle Glass   Vision Capital bought    million ebitda and a EUR
             Deliglass was instead   Group and Bormioli’s     a 94.1% stake in         29.2 million net financial
             said to be in pole position   food&beverage division to   Bormioli Rocco in 2011   debt. The Bormioli bond
             to buy the company.     Swiss Vetropack Holding   from Banco Popolare and   is listed at the Frankfurt
             This would be the end   in June 2015. Bormioli   financed the deal issuing   Stock Exchange and
             of a long auction that   had announced a         a EUR 250 million high   quotes around 102.8.

                                        PAS˛ABAHÇE ACQUIRES

                                            PEARL GLASS GROUP

             Pasabahce, the third    final stage, and the next   Pasabahce’s vice chairman,
             largest glass producer in   few hours will see the   to review the company’s
             the world and the second   transfer of the company’s   new project in the Egyptian   between Egypt and those
             largest in the European   ownership to the Turkish   market and the future   countries.
             continent, completed the   company.               investments in Egypt’s glass   The minister said that
             acquisition of the Pearl   Pa abahçe intends to invest   industry.        the recent gas discoveries
             Glass Group for USD     USD 100 million in the    He added that the Turkish   in the Delta and the
             50 million, according to   Egyptian market as soon   company’s new project will   Mediterranean area provide
             sources in the Egyptian   as the acquisition deal is   provide 1,200 jobs as soon   all the needs of the national
             Ministry of Industry.   completed, said Minister of   as the new expansions are   industry of gas, including
             Sources at Pearl said   Trade and Industry Tarek   completed, alongside 650   the glass industry, pointing
             that the deal reached its   Kabil in a statement on   existing jobs.      out that Egypt will achieve
                                          Wednesday.           He pointed out that the   self-sufficiency of gas
                                          He added that        company intends to export   during the next year.
                                          Pasabahce aims to    its products to foreign   For his part, Tokel said
                                          develop the Egyptian   markets, including the   that investment in the
                                          glass company and    United States, Latin    Egyptian market represents
                                          start production in   America, Arab, African, and   an important hub for
                                          the next year.       Eastern European markets,   the company’s products
                                          Kabil held a meeting   benefiting from the free   to a large number of
                                          with Cemil Tokel,    trade agreements signed   international markets.

                glass machinery plants & accessories 4/2017
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