Page 23 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4/2017
P. 23


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                                                RHI GROUP


                AUTHORITY APPROVES

                  COMBINATION OF RHI

                           AND MAGNESITA

             The Brazilian antitrust   4,” Stefan Borgas, CEO
             authority CADE granted   of RHI and designated
             its approval regarding   CEO of the future
             the planned combination   RHI-Magnesita Group,
             of the RHI Group with    commented on the decision
             the Brazilian Magnesita   of the Brazilian authority.
             Refratários S.A. on 11 July   The combination of RHI
             2017.                    and Magnesita will enable
             Important milestones have   the combined company
             been achieved with the   to offer its customers an
             merger control clearances   even more comprehensive
             in the US, the European   range of services and
             Union and Brazil. “As a   thus provide added value.
             next step, our shareholders   There is further significant
             will decide, among       value creation potential
             other things, about the   due to the realization of
             merger of RHI AG with    planned synergies and
             its wholly-owned Dutch   innovations based on the
             subsidiary RHI MAG NV    combined know-how of the
             at an extraordinary general   companies.
             meeting yet to be convened.
             We are planning this
             general meeting for August



                8 MACHINE FROM GPS

             Heinz-Glas has chosen an IS 8 section machine from Glas
             Produktions-Service (GPS) for its Piesau, Germany plant,
             which will produce articles at high speed in single, double
             and triple gob mode.
             GPS recently patented six technological developments,
             which are new to the entire industry.
             These innovations, as well as the made-in-Germany quality,
             process reliability, efficiency and environmental performance
             convinced Heinz-Glas – a long-term customer of GPS – to
             award the IS machines manufacturer with the order.
             The machine is scheduled to go under glass this month.
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