Page 24 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4/2017
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                                                  VERALLIA    a new phase for Verallia.
                                                              I am delighted with
                 VERALLIA PACKAGING                           the choice of Michel
                                                              Giannuzzi, which I
                HAS ANNOUNCED THE                             supported. He has all
                                                              the qualities and the    thank Jean-Pierre Floris
                         APPOINTMENT OF                       experience necessary to   for his service to the
                                                              guarantee the deployment   company and his efforts
                MICHEL GIANNUZZI AS                           of our company’s business   to successfully transition
                                                              strategy. I wish Verallia   Verallia to a standalone
                   CHAIRMAN AND CEO                           and Michel Giannuzzi     entity. We look forward
                                                              every success and I want   to continuing to serve
             Verallia                tenure at Tarkett, Michel   them to know that they   Verallia alongside him
             Packaging S.A.S.        Giannuzzi pursued a      have my full support.    in his new capacity as
             has announced the       profitable and sustainable   I would like to thank   Honorary Chairman
             appointment of Michel   growth strategy, which   our shareholders, our    and Independent Board
             Giannuzzi as Chairman   led to a successful IPO   10,000 customers, and   Member”, stated Robert
             and Chief Executive     in 2013. Prior to that,   the 10,000 employees of   Seminara, Senior Partner
             officer of the Group     Michel Giannuzzi held    Verallia, with whom I had   of Apollo and Sébastien
             starting from 1 September   several leading positions   a great pleasure to work.”  Moynot, Board Member
             2017. He will take over   within the Michelin Group   “I am very excited to   of Verallia representing
             from Jean-Pierre Floris,   and Valeo Group. He   join Verallia and partner   Bpifrance. “We are
             who is appointed as     graduated from Ecole     with both Apollo and     delighted to welcome
             Honorary Chairman and   Polytechnique.           Bpifrance. Verallia is a   Michel Giannuzzi to
             will continue to serve the   Jean-Pierre Floris   leader in its industry and   Verallia, who brings the
             company as Independent   declared: “I am honoured   Jean-Pierre Floris has   unique combination of
             Board Member.           to have led the team     built an exceptional team   entrepreneurial spirit and
             Aged 52 years old,      that established the     with years of experience   proven leadership that
             Giannuzzi served as CEO   independence of Verallia   in glass packaging   will be instrumental to
             of Tarkett, a worldwide   and that implemented the   manufacturing, which will   continue the successful
             leader of innovative    business plan developed   lay the foundation for a   development that the
             flooring and sports      in partnership with Apollo   successful future”, said   company enjoyed under
             surface solutions, from   and Bpifrance. Today   Michel Giannuzzi.        Jean-Pierre Floris’
             2007 to 2017. During his   marks the beginning of   “We would like to     leadership.”

                                                                        SAN MIGUEL     Miguel Yamamura
                                                                                       acquired the assets
                                        SAN MIGUEL ACQUIRES                            of Endeavour Glass
                                                                                       Packaging in New Zealand
                          BAROSSA BOTTLING SERVICES                                    and a 100% stake in
                                                                                       Portavin Australia. It also
                                                              the Australasian market   acquired the cork and
                                                              and will continue to look   wine closures business of
                                                              for bigger and better    Vinocor and packaging
                                                              opportunities in that    company Cospak.
             San Miguel Yamamura      Zealand to contribute   region,” San Miguel
             Australasia unit has     AUD 300 million in sales.   President and Chief
             purchased Barossa        San Miguel logged sales   Operating Officer Ramon
             Bottling Services.       of 685.31 billion pesos   Ang said.
             Factoring in the latest   ($13.56 billion) in 2016,   “In the meantime, our
             acquisition of Barossa   up 1.94% on the year,   Philippine operations will
             Bottling Services, San   while its consolidated net   continue to expand to meet
             Miguel expects its       income surged 80.2% to   growing domestic and
             packaging business       52.24 billion pesos.    export demands.”
             in Australia and New     “We remain bullish on   Earlier this year, San

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