Page 20 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 5/2017
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                                                                     PSR PARKINSON-SPENCER REFRACTORIES


            2017 is proving to be    where he has supervised   PSR as Sales Engineer.   Assistant. Lizzy joined
            an intense year at PSR   the installation of PSR   Alex has recently joined   PSR earlier in 2017 having
            Parkinson-Spencer        forehearths, distributors   the sales team at PSR   taken a year out since
            Refractories with a series   and Cord Dispersal   having graduated from    graduating from Newcastle
            of new appointments      Systems.                 Cardiff University with   University with a BA in
            being recently made.     Tom will continue        an MA in Translation     French and Business
            Tom Foster has been      to be involved with      Studies.                 Studies in 2015. For the
            appointed Project        installations but is     Fluent in French and     past six months Lizzy has
            Sales Manager. Tom       taking over additional   German he will not       been handling the routine
            joined PSR in 2010       responsibilities for     only form an important   activities of its sales office
            from Sheffield Hallam     project sales, preparation   part of its service to   and will already be known
            University where he      of quotations, pre-project   French and German    as the sales office contact
            obtained a B.Eng in      specification and project   speaking countries but   to many customers for
            Mechanical Engineering.   management.             will in due course also   consumable refractory
            Since that time he has   His experience in the field   take on a wider role of   parts.
            been working as a project   makes him well qualified   sales support to many   Her command of the
            engineer in its Technical   for this vital part of its   countries around the   French language adds
            Services division and    engineered and refractory   world.                a further dimension to
            is well known to its     products supply.         Lizzy Healey has joined   its support for French
            clients around the world   Alex Packer has joined   PSR as Sales Office     speaking countries.

                                                   CORNING AND STEVANATO GROUP         Group have a shared
                                                                                       commitment to
                         NEW SUPPLY AGREEMENT FOR                                      innovation and bringing
                                                                                       the highest quality
                                       CORNING VALOR GLASS                             pharmaceutical containers
                                                                                       to the industry. Valor is
                                     and drug manufacturing   quality medicines for    a Type I glass that is well
                                     processes have evolved   patients.                aligned with that shared
                                     significantly over the    Corning and Stevanato    commitment and we are
                                     past century, requiring   Group have been         delighted to be working
                                     a stronger, chemically   working together since   together on it.”
                                     durable, 21st century    2011 to enable higher    “Stevanato Group is
                                     packaging technology     quality pharmaceutical   well respected in this
                                     to better protect drug   containers. The latest   industry because they
                                     products, including life-  agreement extends that   ensure the highest
                                     saving medicines.        relationship and combines   standards of quality and
            Corning Incorporated     Valor Glass offers       Stevanato’s state-of-    innovation throughout
            and Stevanato Group      superior chemical        the-art converting       their production process.
            have announced a new     durability, strength,    technology with Valor    We look forward to
            collaboration agreement   and damage resistance,   Glass to provide        continuing this work
            focused on supplying     resulting in better      pharmaceutical customers   with Stevanato to
            Corning Valor Glass      protection for drug      with the highest         improve quality in the
            to the pharmaceutical    products, according to   quality pharmaceutical   pharmaceutical glass
            industry.                Corning. Valor Glass     containers.              packaging industry,”
            Valor Glass is a high-   enables increased        Franco Stevanato,        said Ron Verkleeren,
            quality glass container   throughput and higher   chief executive officer   vice president and
            designed for the storage   levels of quality assurance   of Stevanato Group,   general manager,
            and delivery of injectable   for pharmaceutical   commented: “Corning      Corning Pharmaceutical
            drugs. Drug formulations   companies, and higher-  and Stevanato           Technologies.

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