Page 31 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 6/2017
P. 31


                                                             RAMSEY                                              Research and Development

              In more than 50 years of activities            new products

              in supplying chain to glass
                                                             and patents with
              manufacturers, Ramsey has continued

              to develop and improve its products,
              introducing new glass conveying

              products which have earned eight US            Research and

              and European patents.

                    lass  conveying    has    less, and last longer, with mini-  BACKGROUND
                    changed a lot over the    mal maintenance. Comments          When Ramsey began supply-
            Gpast 50 years. Today,            like these from customers have   ing chain to glass manufacturers,
            with production lines running at   fuelled Ramsey’s growing invest-  more than 50 years ago, silent
            speeds which were once thought    ment in new product develop-     chain was just beginning to be
            to be impossible, the demand      ment and improvement. In this    used as a conveyor. At the time,
            for innovative conveying chain    article, Ramsey highlights some   transport speeds were relatively
            solutions is stronger than ever.   recently developed products and   slow and the problems of bottle
            Glass producers expect prod-      discusses their impact on glass   spacing, mishandling, and break-
            ucts which run better, wear       production.                      age were less important.

                                                                         glass machinery plants & accessories 6/2017
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