Page 27 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 6/2017
P. 27

shorter and more efficient for
                                                              Jens Langer      both sides. This does not mean
                                                                               that we will forget the technicians
                                                                               in the plants but we will have to
                                                                               re-orientate our sales process to
                                                                               cover both needs, the commercial
                                                                               and the technical one.
                                              During Glassman
                                                                               GMP&A: In this situation how is
                                              in Lyon, France,                 Heye handling the market?
                                                                                 Langer: We are in a good posi-
                                              we spoke to Heye                 tion, with a lot of good contacts
                                                                               with the big companies. Our
                                              International, and               aim is to try to understand the
                                              the company’s                    needs of these customers – or of
                                                                               brand owners (our customer’s
                                              Director of Sales                customers) – because we have a
                                                                               philosophy: if the customers of
                                              and Marketing Jens               our customers are satisfied then
                                                                               we get the benefits at the end of
                                              Langer and Mark                  the day.
                                                                                 The other point is that we are
                                              Ziegler gave us an               actually moving from a product
                                                                               provider to a solution provider.
                                              overview of what is              This is also valid in terms of digi-
                                                                               talization, vision and strategies.
                                              happening at the                 Heye is not only a machinery
                                                                               manufacturer for the hot- and
                                              company and how                  cold-ends of glassworks and the

                                              Heye is continuing to            assistance that is required in
                                                                               these areas, but thanks to our
                                              develop its products             technical assistance agreements
                                                                               we also provide not only a prod-
                                              and services for                 uct delivery and commissioning
                                                                               but also production support to
                                              glassworks – with                ensure profitability and sustain-
                                                                               ability for our customers.
               Heye Robot
               Installation                   safety in mind.
                                                                               SMART PLANTS AND
                                                                               THE INTERNET OF THINGS
             apart from the 4-5 global play-  companies – let’s say 50 – selling   We have our new concept
             ers. From our perspective as a   their products, with fewer big   Heye smart plant, which was an
             machine manufacturer and ser-    companies you are surely going   important topic at our sympo-
             vice provider there are opportu-  to have less choice and less    sium this year. In fact, we have a
             nities and challenges. A challenge   flexibility in price.         vision of the future plant behind
             is that the suppliers can maintain   Langer: From our point of view   our products and development.
             the contact to the local plants and   it means that you have fewer   This allow follows a single strat-
             their people, if negotiations only   customers but at the same time   egy – to make container glass
             take place in the headquarters.   a decreasing number of competi-  production more efficient – also
             On the other hand, a centralised   tors. Both will have advantages:   in terms of digitalization, plant
             organisation helps to achieve a   The supplier will be able to focus   management and transparency.
             common technologic standard,     more on standardisation and      This is something we also trans-
             helping to reduce costs.         develop better products at bet-  mit to our customers not only
                                              ter prices with high-technology   with regards to smart plant but
             GMP&A: How is choice affected?   and less variations. The procure-  also green plant, which means
             If you have a large number of    ment and sales process will be   environmental protection.

                                                                          glass machinery plants & accessories 6/2017
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