Page 28 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 6/2017
P. 28

         Company update
               When we see savings in energy
             and resources and not only man-
             power – when we see a swabbing
             robot – we try to decrease the
             resources used in terms of oil and
             other material that you need in
             container glass production.
             SAFETY, SPEED
             AND THE REDUCTION                    Heye Smart Plant
             OF THE GLASS WEIGHT
               Mark Ziegler: Safety is one
             of the issues we are addressing
             right now – with special safety
             grids which move up and down,    gration where all the information   DEVELOPING PRODUCTS
             or with LED lights for every sec-  comes together and is made avail-  Developing products is easy to
             tion, indicating if a section is safe   able, making it easy to see where   say, but to develop good products
             to work in (green) or running    there is a problem or where a    you need to have a solid base and
             (red).                           mould needs to be modified, or    in the hot end we are speaking
               And this is all connected to our   even just where settings needs to   about the IS machine of course.
             smart plant concept, which we    be changed.                      The borders between hot end and
             can sum up as follows:             At Heye, our Smart Process     cold end will become less impor-
             t  *OUFHSBUJOH  UIF  CFTU  UFDIOPMP-  Controls control e.g. wall thick-  tant. In a Smart Plant all data are
               gies from Industry 4.0 and the   ness, gob weight and coolings,   integrated and information will
               internet of things             all to avoid critical defects like   be shared.
             t  *NQMFNFOUJOH  JO  UIF  MPOH SVO   unfilled or overpressed finishes.
               a fully automated, stable and    Flexibility is another important   GMP&A: What about speed? Has
               safe production process        aspect: we can now have different   Heye reached its speed limit or are
               The ideal smart plant will be   bottles being made on the same   you still working to make things
             very profitable, resource-efficient   machine.                      even faster?
             and delivering high quality con-   The IS machine, which is the     Langer:  We are actually still
             tainers.                         biggest machine at the hot end,   working on speed together with
               At Heye we have implemented    is a platform from where we can   our customers, which should take
             different enabling technologies   integrate with other suppliers.  us to a really extraordinary level.
             that support this technology and   Heye is the inventor of the      Of course we must also focus
             will become cheaper as the tech-  NNPB process (Narrow Neck       on flexibility as we said before
             nology develops – such as such   Press and Blow), and this process   because our machines and services
             as smaller and cheaper sensors.  is now becoming very popular in   go to different sized glassworks –
               Our work is based on four dif-  Asia because all the European   from those that make a few bottles
             ferent ‘columns’, the first being   and Western breweries and com-  and small but different batches,
             improved integration in produc-  panies are starting to work there   right up to glassworks that have
             tion sites for information man-  and they obviously want to have   continuous production runs for
             agement and integrated engineer-  the same level of quality. This is   incredible numbers of bottles and
             ing are also important aspects to   challenging the local glassmakers   containers all of the same type.
             consider with regards to the value   in Asia to become more familiar   However, speed also depends
             chain. There is also the possibility   with this process. This in turn is   on the type of containers you are
             of laser marking of the containers   creating a great opportunity for   making, and our job is to get the
             at the hot end, which means that   Heye not only with regards to the   maximum for each container, with
             each and every container has its   technology, but also for the sup-  the complete system – from the
             number and can be traced right   port we give to our customers to   feeder to the lehr – running at a
             back to production. This is an   obtain the best possible levels of   certain speed that gives the best
             essential value for containers in   production.                   it can, eliminating and improving
             all industry sectors, but especially   So weight reduction also   the weakest point in this produc-
             for high-valued spirit bottles or   means savings in raw materials   tion chain. We do this with our
             the pharmaceutical industry.     and energy, and all contribute in   Process Control and Plant Pilot
               Another aspect is vertical inte-  protecting our environment.   systems.

                glass machinery plants & accessories 6/2017
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