Page 29 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 6/2017
P. 29

GMP&A: Speaking about          should motivate the young people   installed there, the next step
             smart factories and operators,   of this digital era to work there.  could be to clean up the work-
             how has the number of human        Heye for example, has a big    ing environment, continue with
             operators been reduced in these   touchscreen where all the people   safety aspects of course, and data
             past years?                      can see the production that is   interface and management, sen-
               Langer: The target of all plant   running and see what’s going on.   sors and analyses.
             managers is to reduce operating   This means that they can also     The new Heye machines are
             costs. And one of these costs    analyse each and every step of the   true future-orientated forming
             is for manpower and working      production process.              machines, and we are now work-
             hours. However, to reduce these    All these pieces of the ‘puz-  ing on the optimization of pro-
             costs you need to set up a basis.   zle’ combine to attract people to   cess control and on different sen-
             Another aspect is that manpower   work in a glass plant.          sor systems for the hot end, and
             costs differ quite a lot from one   Glassmakers also need to      of course the swabbing robot.
             country and customer to another,   inform that working in a glass-  With regards to the cold end,
             depending on the history and the   works also involves a high level of   we have the SmartLine with a
             know-how of each customer.       technology and expertise and the   very robust and reliable Starwheel
               We support the plant man-      need to reach production optimi-  inspection machine, and we are
             agers with our solutions to be   zation, so not only working on   working to redesign this inspec-
             able to reduce working hours     the factory floor but also in the   tion machine and will ensure the
             concerning swabbing or main-     office and labs, as well as man-  quality standards in countries
             tenance, or by having technical   agement – lean management.      where they have inspection car-
             issues displayed on a monitor,                                    ried out by manual workers.
             thus avoiding the time required   GMP&A: What can you tell us       Heye does not only provide
             to check and look manually for   about new product development?   machines but also performance
             these problems.                    Langer: We are investing a large   optimisation (TAA - technical
               On the other hand, we also     part of our capacity in product   assistance agreements) for com-
             know – and we have received      development regarding both the   plete glass lines and factories.
             information from a number of     hot-end and cold-end. For the      Thanks to our local presence
             customers all over the world –   hot end, the SpeedLine is our    we can work side by side with our
             that it is becoming more and     most important step. This devel-  customers, learning about their
             more difficult to find experiences   opment is a result of many cus-  needs, and providing them with
             people to work with glass. This   tomer projects and discussions   the complete services that they
             means that right now we can-     with long-term customers, also   need to use the machinery and
             not just reduce the number of    considering the possible future   plants to their best advantage. O
             people working in a glassworks,   demands of the glass industry.
             but we have to keep and ‘protect’
             the experienced workers already   GMP&A: What could be the future
             there.                           demands of the glass industry and
               So our job is also to find new   what could be the next steps?
             people who want to work in         Langer: I think that if we
             glassworks; we need to motivate   consider a glass machine and     HEYE INTERNATIONAL
             them and show them that the      the high number of machines                 GmbH
             working environment right now
             is completely different from in      Heye Sales and Marketing       Lohplatz 1, 31683 Obernkirchen - Germany
                                                                                       Tel.: +49 - 5724 - 260
             the past. This is the big challenge   Management Team                    Fax: +49 - 5724 - 26539
             for plant managers – having the                                     E-mail:
             right machinery, protecting the                             
             (work) environment, making it
             safe and almost nice to work in.

               Mark Ziegler: And this is
             what the bigger companies are
             doing – showing that it’s safe
             to work there now, there are
             new machines and technology to
             make the work easier, and this
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