Page 16 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 1/2018
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                    SCHOTT GLASS And bOrOSiL kLASSpACk
                    top awards at Borosil KlasspacK

                    vendor meeting                                                            rock solid with Borosil

                                                                                              Klasspack for more than
                   Pharmaceutical glass      presented by Pradeep    modernized the           two decades.
                   manufacturer Schott has   Kheruka, Vice Chairman   production technology   A vendor plays a
                   received two significant   of Borosil Glass Works   of its 100% Indian     major role in the growth
                   accolades – ‘Being the    Ltd.                    subsidiary to Schott’s   of any manufacturer,
                   most customer centric’    On receiving the awards,   global standards. The   and we appreciate
                   and ‘Appreciation         Sundeep Prabhu, vice    company has introduced   the enduring support
                   for contribution as a     president sales and     its most advanced        Schott has continuously
                   business partner’ – at    marketing, Schott Glass   inspection system,     provided us with. This
                   the first ever vendor     India Pvt., said, “We   perfeXion in India,      award is a recognition
                   meet event organized      are honoured that our   which has enhanced       of our long standing
                   by Borosil Klasspack.     commitment has been     quality control of their   relationship, and we
                   The event, held in        recognized by Borosil   FIOLAX  tubing from      hope to grow together
                   Nashik, Maharashtra,      Klasspack, which is an   statistical quality control   further.”
                   was to show appreciation   integral client of Schott.   to 100% inspection – a   Schott has been
                   for the vendors who       We are constantly       milestone in Schott’s    present in India for
                   have shown long term      working to improve our   endeavor for zero       almost two decades,
                   commitment with Borosil   best practices in order   defects.               when the German
                   Klasspack.                to deliver unparalleled   Conferring the award,   company took over a
                   The company is an         product excellence in the   Prashant Amin,       company producing
                   Indian manufacturer       market.”                managing director of     pharmaceutical tubing
                   of primary packaging      To provide the Indian   Borosil Klasspack,       in Gujarat in 1998. The
                   materials, such as glass   pharmaceutical industry   highlighted the       company recognizes
                   ampoules and vials for    with high quality       importance of Schott’s   India as one of the most
                   life saving drugs.        pharmaceutical tubing,   contribution and said,   important markets for
                   The awards were           Schott has completely   “Schott Glass has stood   Schott worldwide.

                                                        ASL OynA
                     new acting director
                                                                                                also intends to build a
                                                                                                plant for the production
                    JSC Asl Ojna has appointed Farid Safargariev as                             of soft drinks worth USD
                    Acting Director of the company.                    5 million and capacity of 10 million litres of beverages
                    According to the official press release, Asl Oyna, the   per year until 2019.
                    largest producer of specialized glass containers in   The enterprise plans to create facilities for the
                    Uzbekistan, will implement eight investment projects by   production of beer and alcoholic beverages. 10 million
                    2021 with a total estimated cost of USD 178 million.  tons of beer will be sent to the beer factory with a
                    The enterprise will triple its production of glassware -   capacity of 10,000 tons and 600,000 decalitres worth
                    from 200 million to 600 million units a year due to the   USD 6 million.
                    construction and commissioning of 3, 4 and 5 glass   The company intends to build a plant for the production
                    melting furnaces and a raw materials enrichment plant   of canned fruits and vegetables in Tashkent by 2021,
                    for glass production worth USD 130 million.        with branches in the regions of the country worth USD
                    It is assumed that the National Bank for Foreign   13 million. After the launch, the enterprise will produce
                    Economic Affairs of Uzbekistan will invest USD 30   12,000 tons of canned fruit and vegetables.
                    million in these projects through the contribution   Joint Stock Company Asl Oyna (now a limited liability
                    of funds to the statutory fund Asl Oyna. Within the   company) started to produce glass products in 2009.
                    framework of the project, loan funds of the Fund for   In 2017, according to preliminary estimates, the
                    Reconstruction and Development of Uzbekistan will be   company has exported glass containers for a value of
                    attracted to the amount of USD 100 million. Asl Oyna   USD 4.5 million.

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