Page 21 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 1/2018
P. 21 – Photo: ©ESA

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                <   volatile and unpredictable   promoting collaboration
                    in recent years, Prof.   among the members of the
                    Kirman said: “Despite   global glass community.
                    all these circumstances,   They also provided
                    I believe that Sisecam   an excellent venue for
                    and other players have   renewing old friendships
                    taken major steps to    and establishing new ones.
                    further advance the     The ICG community is
                    glass industry. Glass has   going to use the Istanbul
                    always been a material   meeting as a template
                    that makes people’s lives   for our future annual
                    better. Academic research,   meetings,” said Dr.
                    innovation and R&D      Choudhary.
                    will continue to be a top   Prof. Sener Oktik, Sisecam
                    priority in the future.”  Group Chief Research and
                    Dr. Manoj Choudhary,    Technological Development
                    International Commission   Officer, said that they were
                    on Glass (ICG) President,   involved in a considerable
                    said that the technical   number of R&D projects
                    program, the logistics,   in cooperation with 13
                    the facilities and the   international institutions         When it comes to
                    social dimensions of the   in 19 countries. “We are
                    organization in Istanbul   proud to undertake these
                    were outstanding.       efforts at the Sisecam               service, the sky is
                    “Over 400 participants   Science and Technology
                    from 25 countries had the   Center, one of the most
                    opportunities to attend   advanced centers in                    not the limit...
                    parallel technical sessions   Europe. The global glass
                    on a variety of glass   industry is faced with
                    science and technology   major technological,
                    topics, plenary session,   environmental and
                    panel discussions, as   social opportunities and
                    well as special events   challenges. We believe
                    such as the William R.   that this large-scale
                    Prindle Memorial Session,   event offered a global
                    the Youth Outreach      platform for discussing
                    Event, and very special   exciting advances in
                    Opening and Closing     glass technology. The
                    Ceremonies. In addition,   symposium consisted of
                    various ICG meeting     five parallel sessions, three
                    were held. The meetings   panels, 30 speeches and
                    were an important forum   120 presentations, 20 of
                    for exchanging ideas,   them posters,” said Prof.      GLOBAL SUPPORT TO MAKE
                    advancing knowledge, and   Oktik.                      THE MOST OF YOUR INVESTMENT
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          BN-PN GM 1-2018.indd   19                                                                                  08/01/18   10.33
                                                              Tiama5 1_2 vert.indd   1                                     20/12/17   12.54
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