Page 17 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 1/2018
P. 17


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                                                                                      Real-time Process & Quality Controls

                                          We reCeive frOm TiAmA
                                  THe fOLLOWinG preSS reLeASe,
                                               pubLiSHed in fuLL.

                        of the atlas patent

                              confirmed again

                   In its decision dated September 19, 2017 (file No.
                   X ZR 114 /15) the German Federal Supreme Court
                   (BGH) ruled in favor of Tiama. It was declared that
                   the German part of the Tiama’s European Patent 1 147
                   405 is valid and can be opposed to infringers.
                   The Düsseldorf’s civil court had earlier taken final and
                   binding decision on infringement.
                   The validity of the patent had been attacked by
                   Heye International GmbH and now the Germany`s
                   highest patent court found that:
                   ·  the patent fulfilled the requirements of novelty and       When you need
                     inventive step,
                   ·  the challenges brought against the patent were
                     unfounded.                                               precise, cold facts…
                   The judgment is the latest episode in Tiama’s ongoing
                   efforts to defend its unique intellectual property.
                   With the validity of this key patent confirmed, Tiama               constantly
                   will keep on seeking damage claims against users of
                   this technology. Tiama will continue to vigorously
                   defend its IP portfolio. We will protect the companies’
                   R&D efforts and hope that continued enforcement
                   will eventually discourage further competitors from
                   infringing our proprietary patented technologies.

                                      merger with

                   magnesita completed

                   The European Commission approved the combination of
                   RHI AG and Magnesita Refratarios in June provided
                   RHI sold its entire dolomite business in the European    SELF-LEARNING,
                   Economic Area, which concerned production sites in       COLD-END INSPECTION SYSTEMS
                   Marone; Italy, and Lugones; Spain. Magnesita had to sell
                   its production, sale, and related activities of magnesia-  We don’t have our heads in the clouds when it comes to the
                   carbon bricks in the EEA, concentrated in Oberhausen;    quality of glass, we have real, practical solutions: self-learning
                   Germany.                                                 inspection systems with sensors providing precise measurements
                   RHI AG and Magnesita agreed to sell these plants to      even faster. Like everything else, our cold end inspection is backed
                   Intocast Aktiengesellschaft Feuerfest-Produkte und       by top service, support and training; and our constant research is
                   Gießhilfsmittel for EUR 42.6 million in September.       working towards the Smart Factory – watch this space.
                   EUR 40.0 million is payable upon completion and EUR
                   2.6 million will be paid on the second anniversary of the
                   closing date. The new company is called RHI Magnesita.

                                                                             Intelligence  Monitoring  Traceability  Support

          BN-PN GM 1-2018.indd   15                                                                                  08/01/18   10.32

                                                               Tiama1 1_2 vert.indd   1                                     20/12/17   12.54
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