Page 20 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 1/2018
P. 20                                      businessnews

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                                                                     SISECAM gLASS SyMpoSIuM
                                                                     Bringing together

                                                                     the leading nameS

                       Find the one                                  of the gloBal glaSS

                  you’re looking for                                 induStry

                                                                      Sisecam Group brought
                                                                      together the leading    and ranked fifth in glass
                                                                                              packaging and flat glass.
               among the 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000            names of the global glass   “In addition to being
                              others out there                        industry to discuss the   among the top ten soda
                                                                      future of the industry   producers of the world,
                                                                      and new technologies in   we are also the world
                                                                      Istanbul. Sisecam Glass   leader in chromium
                                                                      Symposium, organized for   chemicals. We operate
                                                                      the 32nd time this year,   manufacturing facilities
                                                                      hosted the annual meeting   in 13 countries. We face
                                                                      of the International    the future with confidence
                                                                      Commission on Glass     thanks to our capacity,
                                                                      (ICG) as well as over   technology, innovation,
                                                                      400 participants from 25   creativity, expertise and
                                                                      countries.              skilled personnel, and
                                                                      Sisecam Group, a global   our ability to produce
                                                                      actor in business fields   goods and services that
                                                                      including all main areas of   respond to changing
                                                                      glass industry - flat glass,   market conditions,” Prof.
                                                                      glassware, glass packaging   Kirman added. Remarking
                                                                      and glass fiber - as well   that this important event,
                                                                      as soda and chromium    which brought together
                                                                      chemicals, organized    representatives of the glass
                                                                      the 32nd Sisecam        industry and academics
                                                                      Glass Symposium.        in Istanbul, offered a
                                                                      The event also hosted   productive platform for
                                                                      the annual meeting of   cooperation and exchange
                                                                      International Commission   of ideas, Prof. Kirman said:
                                                                      on Glass (ICG), which   “The 32nd Sisecam Glass
                                                                      brought together glass   Symposium promoted
                                                                      industry representatives,   the development of the
                                                                      universities and scientific   global glass industry by
                                                                      institutions from around   allowing participants to
               TRACEABILITY                                           the world. The future   exchange information
               WITH UNIQUE BOTTLE IDENTIFICATION                      of the glass industry   on innovations in glass
                                                                      and new technologies    science and technology.
               It’s like DNA for glass: an engraved data matrix code with which   were discussed at this   We will continue to
               one can trace any bottle to its point of origin. The hot and cold-end   international organization   provide a platform that
               data from all the sensors are assembled in this unique code making   during 22-25 October   allows participants to
                                                                      2017 in Istanbul.
                                                                                              engage in for global
               it a powerful tool, essential for “big” analysis. Backed by our service,   Prof. Ahmet Kirman,   cooperation, establish close
               support and training, it’s one of the many ways we’re helping you   Sisecam Group Vice   ties and share the latest
               to get ready for Big Data in the Smart Factory.        Chairman and CEO,       developments in the global
                                                                      said that the Group was   industry.”
                                                                      the world’s third largest   Stating that the global glass
                                                                      glassware manufacturer,   industry has been quite

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