Page 25 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 1/2018
P. 25


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                                            blow-blow production
                                            lines,Sisecam Glass
                                            Packaging is extending
                                            the control of the forming
                                            process by automatic
                                            closed loop control of
                                            the weight of the gobs,
                                            performed by IGC. This
                                            unique development by
                    SISECAM gRoup           XPAR Vision allows the
                                            plant’s operators to gain
                    New                     in ease-of-use operation
                    furNace at              while having the benefits
                    eskisehir               of the automated closed
                    glass                   loop to regulate stable
                    packagiNg               weight of the bottles
                    factory                 produced, with an

                    Sisecam has announced   accuracy of less than
                    its plans to build a    0,3% of the bottle weight.
                    410t/d furnace at its   Cengizhan Gocer,
                    Eskisehir glass packaging   Production Manager
                    factory in Turkey.      of the Eskisehir plant
                    The new furnace will    tells: “We have installed
                    enable Sisecam to increase   XPAR Vision IGC
                    its annual production   systems for Gob Weight
                    capacity of glass packaging   Control in several
                    in Turkey to approximately   blow-blow production
                    1.2 million tons thanks to   lines and we appreciate
                    being equipped with new   their performance. For
                    technology in accordance   our most important
                    with Industry 4.0 and a   customers we decided to
                    production capacity of 150   install more automatic
                    thousand tons per year.  control systems to
                                            increase the stability and
                    coNtiNuiNg              repeatability of the bottle
                    to                      forming process”.
                    implemeNt               Mustafa Cetiner, Vice
                    Xpar VisioN             President, Production of
                    techNology              Sisecam Glass Packaging

                    Sisecam Glass           group, states: “The Hot
                    Packaging, the          End systems from XPAR
                    leading Turkish group   Vision help us to increase
                    of container glass      our performance in terms
                    manufacturing plants,   of quality and output.
                    producing containers    The technology allow our
                    for Food and Beverage,   operators and specialists
                    Pharmaceutical and      to continuously reduce
                    Cosmetics, will install   the variations in the
                    new XPAR Vision         forming process.”
                    Hot End technology in
                    its plants in Yenisehir,
                    Eskisehir and Mersin.
                    With the installation
                    of XPAR Vision IGC
                    (InfraRed Gobweight         click here
                    Control) systems at its

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