Page 24 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 1/2018
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                   more joBS for valor glaSS Site

                   Corning Inc. has invested
                   in its Valor Glass site that   Corning chairman, chief   purchase manufacturing   Valor Glass, Corning will
                   will create 185 new jobs   executive officer, and   equipment and          also add jobs in the future
                   and support more than    president.               make infrastructure      at an existing facility in
                   380 jobs overall in the   “Corning has been a     improvements.            Vineland, New Jersey,
                   Southern Tier of New     beacon of enterprise and   “Valor Glass was invented   and at a location in the
                   York, US.                innovation for decades,   here in the Southern Tier   Southeast United States.
                   The new jobs will be     and this new expansion   so it is only fitting our first   Valor Glass reduces
                   located at the Corning   builds on our efforts to   significant manufacturing   particle contamination,
                   Innovation Support       spur development and job   operation be located   breaks and cracks while
                   Center (CISC) in         growth for the Southern   here,” Weeks said.      increasing throughput.
                   Big Flats and at         Tier,” Gov. Cuomo said.  Developing and           As a result, Valor Glass
                   Corning’s Research and   Corning Inc. has been    manufacturing Valor Glass
                   Development Facility at   awarded incentives      in the Southern Tier is
                   Sullivan Park in Erwin.  from Empire State        part of Corning’s plan
                   Gov. Andrew Cuomo        Development, New York    announced in July to invest
                   announced Corning’s      State’s chief economic   USD 500 million and
                   investment during a visit   development agency,   create 1,000 new US jobs.
                   at Sullivan Park hosted   in the form of a USD 6   To further support the
                   by Wendell P. Weeks,     million capital grant to   production and delivery of

                                              o-i iS Set to Build a fifth furnace

                                                                      in nava plant, mexico

                   O-I, the world’s
                   largest glass container
                   manufacturer, has also
                   expanded its 50-50 joint
                   venture with Constellation
                   Brands. The joint venture
                   operates the container
                   production plant in Nava,
                   Mexico that provides
                   bottles exclusively for
                   Constellation’s adjacent
                   brewery. The brewery
                   brews Mexican beer
                   brands for export to the
                   United States, which
                   is the fastest growing
                   category in beer in the
                   US. The relationship now   expansion of the glass   from Constellation’s   factory in the world
                   provides for the addition   production plant from one   brewery, the new   once the furnace is
                   of a fifth furnace at the   furnace to four furnaces   relationship provides for   installed. The capacity
                   plant and has extended   by 2018. Three furnaces   the addition of a fifth   expansion is estimated
                   the term of the joint    currently operate with the   furnace, which is expected   to cost approximately
                   venture agreement by     fourth furnace expected to   to be operational by the   USD 140 million and
                   ten years, to 2034. The   be operational in the first   end of 2019.       will be financed by equal
                   original joint venture   half of 2018.            The Nava plant will be   contributions from both
                   agreement included the   To meet rising demand    the largest container    partners.

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