Page 61 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 2/2018
P. 61

4  Step 4: Inspection in the clean room
               Once formed and cooled, 100 per cent of the vials and bottles
               are inspected in a clean room environment to control:
               -  Dimensions – including wall thickness and diameters
               - Glass integrity
               - Seal and bottle integrity
               - Neck and bottom
                affecting tightness

                                                                               preventive and corrective actions,
                                                                               are implemented daily to contin-
                                                                               uously protect employees’ health.
                                                                                 SGD Pharma commits to con-
                                                                               stantly train its employees and
                                                                               offer them career opportunities
                                                                               within the company.

                                                                               INNOVATION COMMITMENT
                                                                                 As a leading company in pri-
                                                                               mary packaging for the pharma-
                                                                               ceutical market, SGD Pharma
                                                                               makes the difference by innova-
                                                                               t #F POF TUFQ BIFBE
                                                                               t )JHIMJHIU  UFDIOPMPHZ  CSFBL-
                                                                               t &OTVSF  SFHVMBUJPO  BOE  TUBOE-
                                                                                 ards compliance
                                                                               t 4VQQPSU DVTUPNFST JO UIFJS TQF-
                                                                                 cific development
                                                                                 In   2015,    the  company
                                                                               set up a new R&D organisa-
                                                                               tion to enhance patients’ safety.
                                                                               Composed of various talented
                                                                               experts, its worldwide R&D net-
                                                                               working team work to continu-
                                                                               ously develop new solutions.
                                                                                 To offer future and sustain-
                                                                               able development to both SGD
                                                                               Pharma and its customers, the
                                                                               pharma and biotech companies,
                                                                               the team is working over the
                                                                               whole product life cycle:
                                                                               t 3BX NBUFSJBM
                                                                               t 1SPEVDU %FTJHO

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