Page 65 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 2/2018
P. 65

                                                                                 department to organize new
                                                                                 recruits training
                                                                                 In Kipfenberg, Germany, the
                                                                               access to the facility was shared
                                                                               with neighbours: children had to
                                                                               cross when trucks had to deliver
                                                                               raw materials. This cohabitation
                5  Step 5: Final inspection and packing                        was very dangerous for both.
               Final inspection is carried out under clean room conditions.    In 2015, SGD Pharma and the
               Optional cosmetic inspection is performed by off-line camera.   town of Kipfenberg redesigned
               The vials are packed in shrink-wrapped PP trays or in cleanpacks, and   this access. A road was built to
               then palletized.                                                give a safer access to the neigh-
                                                                               bours and allow SGD Pharma
                                                                               closed its borders for trucks to
                                                                               make their deliveries in safe and
                                                                               dedicated environment. O

             years its technical knowledge    that they know the emergency
             and continue to develop its glass   procedures. In China, employ-
             expertise.                       ees have been trained to evacu-
               Training employees is a criti-  ation and to carry out first aid.
             cal goal:                        In France, employees participate
             t 4(% 1IBSNB IBT TFWFSBM USBJO-  in workshops regarding hand
              ing centres to maintain and     hygiene and fire prevention.
              develop its know-how and its
              employees competencies          3. LOCAL COMMITMENT
             t 4(%  1IBSNB  EFWFMPQT  SFMB-     SGD Pharma wants to high-
              tionships with schools and uni-  light the positive impact of its
              versities to attract talents and   presence on the local commu-
              ensure permanent renewing of    nity to its involved partners, local
              its experts.                    authorities, neighbours, employ-
             t 4BGFUZ  JT  B  NBKPS  QSJPSJUZ  GPS   ees, customers, NGO, and sur-
              our company. Daily and pre-     rounding companies.
              ventive actions are implement-    In India, SGD Pharma sup-
              ed to strengthen the safety     ports the development of the
              of all employees all over the   Vemula village where the facility
              world. The goal is to apply     is. The company has participated   SGD PHARMA SA
              &)4  CFTU  QSBDUJDFT  UIBOLT  UP   in:                                     Immeuble Bellini,
              shared experiences between the   t 5IF JNQSPWFNFOU PG UIF TDIPPM         14 bis terrasse Bellini
              manufacturing facilities.        facilities as well as supply of      92807 Puteaux Cedex - France
               During the World Safety Day     school material                        Tel.: +33 - 1 - 40903600
                                                                                      Fax: +33 - 1 - 40903601
             in 2016, employees attended      t &BTJFS BDDFTT UP ESJOLBCMF XBUFS    E-mail:
             workshops to make them aware      with two bore wells and a water
             of different situations and ensure   tank

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