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               Company growth and development
                                                          The ‘Glass is Glass Again’ Project
                                                       5IF  A(MBTT  JT  (MBTT  "HBJO   1SPKFDU  JT  POF  PG  UIF  NPTU  DPNQSFIFOTJWF
                                                       TVTUBJOBCJMJUZ BOE TPDJBM SFTQPOTJCJMJUZ QSPKFDUT JO 5VSLFZ
                                                       -BVODIFE  JO        CZ  4ĎisĎFDBN  (MBTT  1BDLBHJOH  JO  DPMMBCPSBUJPO  XJUI
                                                       UIF ±&7,0 'PVOEBUJPO BOE MPDBM BVUIPSJUJFT  UIF A(MBTT JT (MBTT "HBJO
                                                        QSPKFDU JT POF PG UIF NPTU DPNQSFIFOTJWF TVTUBJOBCJMJUZ BOE TPDJBM SFTQPO-
                                                        TJCJMJUZ QSPKFDUT JO 5VSLFZ  "JNJOH UP DSFBUF DIBOHF JO TPDJBM CFIBWJPVS BOE
                                                        TVQQPSU UIF USBOTJUJPO UP B SFDZDMJOH TPDJFUZ  UIF QSPKFDU IBT UISFF QSJNBSZ

                                                            $SFBUJOH BXBSFOFTT BOE JOGPSNJOH TPDJFUZ BCPVU SFDZDMJOH HMBTT QBDLB-
                                                            *NQSPWJOH UIF JOGSBTUSVDUVSF GPS DPMMFDUJOH HMBTT QBDLBHJOH XBTUF
                                                            4USFBNMJOJOH UIF GBDJMJUJFT XIFSF HMBTT QBDLBHJOH XBTUF JT DPMMFDUFE BOE
                                                          QSPDFTTFE  BOE TFQBSBUJOH HMBTT QBDLBHJOH XBTUF GPVOE JO IPVTFIPME

                                                         (MBTT JT B QBDLBHJOH NBUFSJBM UIBU DBO CF     QFS DFOU SFDZDMFE XJUIPVU
                                                          XBTUF QSJPS UP TUPSBHF
                                                         MPTT JO RVBMJUZ  'PS FYBNQMF  POF SFDZDMFE HMBTT CPUUMF JT FOPVHI UP QSP-
                                                         3FDZDMJOH POF HMBTT CPUUMF TBWFT FOPVHI FOFSHZ GPS B DPNQVUFS UP SVO GPS
                                                         EVDF POF OFX HMBTT CPUUMF
                                                            NJOVUFT BOE B UFMFWJTJPO GPS    NJOVUFT  6TJOH DVMMFU JO HMBTT QSPEVD-
                                                          UJPO BU B MFWFM PG    QFS DFOU NBLFT JU QPTTJCMF UP TBWF    QFS DFOU JO SBX
                                                          NBUFSJBMT BOE     QFS DFOU JO FOFSHZ  BOE UP EFDSFBTF DBSCPO FNJTTJPOT

                                                          "T QBSU PG UIF QSPKFDU  PWFS         QSJNBSZ TDIPPM TUVEFOUT IBWF SFDFJ-
                                                          CZ   QFS DFOU
                                                          WFE  BO  FEVDBUJPO  JO  SFDZDMJOH  TJODF         BQQSPYJNBUFMZ          HMBTT
                                                          CBOLT IBWF CFFO EPOBUFE BOE         UPOT PG HMBTT QBDLBHJOH XBTUF
                                                          IBWF CFFO SFDZDMFE  5IF SFTVMUJOH SFEVDUJPO JO DBSCPO FNJTTJPOT FRVBMT
                                                                  DBST UBLFO PGG UIF SPBET  BOE UIF BNPVOU PG FOFSHZ TBWFE XBT
                                                           FOPVHI UP NFFU UIF IFBUJOH BOE IPU XBUFS OFFET PG        IPVTFIPMET  *O
                                                           BEEJUJPO  4ĎisĎFDBN (MBTT 1BDLBHJOH DPMMBCPSBUFE XJUI     EJTUSJDU NVOJDJ-
                                                           QBMJUJFT JO    QSPWJODFT JO PSEFS UP DSFBUF TPDJBM BXBSFOFTT  JNQSPWF UIF
                                                           JOGSBTUSVDUVSF GPS DPMMFDUJPO  BOE TUSFBNMJOF GBDJMJUJFT GPS HMBTT SFDZDMJOH

                   bilities and in line with Russian   points and consults customers   ogy for screen printing in up to
                   or international standards appli-  on optimal packaging weight to   seven colours and UV printing
                   cable to glass packaging.         enhance end-user usability, reduce   in up to four colours. Bottles
                      SĎisĎecam’s  design team mem-  wastage or save on shipping costs.  coloured with organic and inor-
                   bers are certified and remain                                       ganic dyes easily stand out, while
                   up to date with regular training   DECORATION CENTER               sleeve coating and transfer print-
                   they receive including that from    The SĎisĎecam Glass Packaging   ing options add richness to glass
                   American Glass Research, one of   Group is a full solution part-   packaging design. O
                   the world’s leading glass research   ner operating in a heavily com-
                   institutions.                     petitive market offering healthy
                      The company’s tailor-made,     and dependable glass packag-
                   process-specific software creates   ing alternatives to its customers
                   visual 3D virtual mock-ups. It    as well as printing and decora-
                   allows numerous changes to be     tion services that will make these
                   made before making a final deci-   products stand out on shelves.
                   sion on a model. On top of that,    The decoration centre at the
                   gypsum models are available       EskisĎehir Plant is one of the
                   thanks to a full colour 3D plot-  biggest of its kind in Europe,       PASABAHCE CAM
                   ter, with a degree of precision is   extending over a total of 54,000   SAN. VE TIC. AS/
                   1 millimetre (or 0.1 centimetre),   square meters with 34,000
                   in only two days.                 square meters of indoor area,         SISECAM GROUP
                      The design centre offers actual   and a decoration capacity of over
                   bottle glass thickness and impact   300 million units per year. The         Is Kuleleri - Kule-3
                   resistance assessments at critical   centre uses the latest technol-      34330 4 Levent, Istanbul
                                                                                            Tel.: +90 – 212 – 3505050
                                                                                            Fax: +90 – 212 – 3505047
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