Page 68 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 2/2018
P. 68

             AMETEK LAND

             AND SVA

             major development                                                   A recent

             for glass furnace                                                   collaboration, two
                                                                                 experts in their own
             applications                                                        fields – AMETEK

                                                                                 Land for thermal

                                                                                 imaging and SVA in

                                                                                 furnace monitoring

                                                                                 systems, has led

                                                                                 to an important


                                                                                 in protection for

                                                                                 important sensors

                                                                                 and instruments
             S    PECIALIZED IN THERMAL       cooling or power failure.          used in the
                                                Mark Bennett, Glass Industry
                    AMETEK Land, work-
             ing in partnership with furnace   Lead at AMETEK Land said:         harsh hot end
                                              “We approached SVA as we were
             monitoring system manufacturer   aware of the company’s expertise   environment of
             SVA Industrie Fernseh (SVA),     in pneumatic technology for high
             has developed a new housing and   temperature environments.         glassworks.
             pneumatic auto-retraction system   This latest innovation takes
             for AMETEK Land’s renowned       NIR-B Glass to the next level,
             NIR-B (Near Infrared Borescope)   offering major benefits to glass
             Glass thermal imaging solution   producers in terms of better asset
             for glass furnace applications.  protection and enhanced lifespan
               This development means that    for the equipment.”
             AMETEK Land’s award-winning
             NIR-B Glass thermal imager is    MORE THAN 40 YEARS OF
             further protected against damage   EXPERIENCE
             from overheating within a glass   Solutions for high-temperature
             production environment, espe-    industries
             cially in cases of air purge, water   Axel  Jürgens,  Managing

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