Page 47 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3-2019
P. 47

A    NNEALING                    ous ‘plastic’ stages

                  LEHR CYCLE
                                              and characterised
                     Glass is described as a
             mineral product obtained by a    by different vis-
             melting process that cools down   define the charac-
             without crystallisation and finally   teristic points of
             takes a solid state. This definition   glass annealing,
             provides the basis of the anneal-  such as working,
             ing process.                     softening, anneal-
               Every glass type (soda lime,   ing   and   strain
             borosilicate, etc.) is characterised   points and annealing
             by a different batch composi-    range (the tempera-
             tion and consequently, a differ-  tures between soften-
             ent temperature-dependent vis-   ing, annealing and strain
             cosity and expansion coefficient.   points). Through knowledge
             During melting, the batch passes   of the annealing range, tempera-
             continuously from a solid to a liq-  ture limits for each stage have
             uid state. At forming it is brought   been established.
             back to a solid, passing the vari-  With innovative glass machin-

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