Page 48 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3-2019
P. 48


             ery solutions for many appli-    geous in some instances, it is an   There is a necessary balance
             cations of the glass industry,   inconvenience in annealing.      to maintain between compressive
             equipment and systems from         To explain the origins of stress,   and tensile stresses. Imbalances
             Vidromecanica come into oper-    consider that glass is made up of   create varying degrees of
             ation everywhere – worldwide.    a series of distinct layers, lying   destruction in the glass thick-
             Whether in the glass contain-    parallel to the surface. Heat loss   ness but if cooling is achieved
             ers or tableware the decision    from the glass depends on the    sufficiently slowly, the layers will
             for glass engineering ‘Made by   transfer of heat from layers in   not be submitted to disturbance
             Vidromecanica’ is synonymous     the body of the glass to those   and stress generation will be
             with safety for function and     at the surface. These layers are   avoided. All stresses created at
             investment.                      interdependent and in different   this point remain permanent, and
                                              states of expansion. As the exter-  annealing is important because
             RESIDUAL STRESS                  nal surface cools faster, it reaches   mechanical and thermal resist-
             Permanent stresses               its final shape while the centre is   ance are conditioned by it.
               There are two types of residual   still in expansion. All the mol-
             stress: permanent and temporary.   ecules are intimately bound and   Temporary stresses
             Annealing is, in fact, a cooling   their reciprocal action will cre-  When being cooled below
             process. Glass has poor tempera-  ate compression stresses once   strain point, glass can still be
             ture conductivity and although   the inner layers have cooled and   submitted to thermal influenc-
             this property can be advanta-    contracted.                      es creating temporary stresses

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