Page 44 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3-2019
P. 44


              Figure 12 – Energy
              efficiency index                   might depend on regenerator
              trends for different              clogging, infiltrations, etc.);
              furnaces                        2) compare specific consump-
                                                tion of furnaces with different
                                                surface, pull, cullet and elec-
               Figure 12 indicated clearly      tric boosting utilization;
             the evolution of the energy effi-  3) estimate the evolution of con-
             ciency index of four furnaces      sumption over time, evaluat-        STARA GLASS
             that shows, the aging dynamics     ing and quantifying the aging      HYDRA GROUP
             in a standardized way, starting    dynamics;
                                                                                        Piazza Rossetti 3A/1
             from a value of 100, in four spe-  4) assess the expected consump-       16129 Genova (GE) - Italy
             cific situations that respectively   tion of a furnace from the            Tel.: +39-010-576391
             express an aging rate of 0.15,     main production parameter              Fax: +39-010-564763
             0.2, 0.46 and 0.76 on a monthly    data (pull, cullet and electrical   E-mail:
             basis.                             energy utilization). O
               In conclusion, the above con-
             firms that, as a follow up of a
             thermal balance, we are able
             to better characterize the con-
             sumption of the single furnace.
               Through the parameters of
             conduction and through the
             modelling we are able to:         BORMIOLI ROCCO SPA                        SGRPRO
             1) evaluate if real consump-
                                                     Via Martiri della Liberta’ 1
               tion aligned to the foreseen         43036 Fidenza (PR) - Italy      Campus Universitario di Savona
                                                                                         Via Magliotto, 2,
               or if over-consumption are             Tel.: +39-0524-5111             17100 Palazzina Lagorio
               observed. In this case, the           Fax: +39-0524-527877                    Italy
               causes must be sought and       E-mail:
               focused on (for example, they

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