Page 65 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3-2019
P. 65


                                              with compact electronic compo-   GLASS MELTING
                                              nents guarantees fast and precise   Regenerator
                                              temperature measurements with       Regenerators play an impor-
                                              excellent repeatability.         tant role in the glass melting pro-
                                                LumaSense      Technologies,   cess. They enable higher operat-
                                              Inc., offers more than 60 years   ing temperatures and more effi-
                                              of experience in non-contact     cient melting in the melting tank.
                                              measuring technologies with two     Protecting the expensive
                                              product lines: Pyrometry and     regenerator crown refractory
                                              thermal imaging, with a wide     using temperature measurement
                                              range of non-contact thermom-
                                              eters whose ruggedness and pre-
                                              cision are tailored to the specific
                                              needs of the glass industry.
             marketplace requirements.          8IFUIFS  JU  CF  GPS  nBU  HMBTT
               Temperatures during the vari-  solar glass, container glassware,
             ous production stages are mostly   utility glassware, or techni-
             measured without contact, e.g.   cal glass, all of our products
             in the glass melting tank, in the   deliver fast and accurate tem-
             working tank, in the feeder, or in   perature readings. Customers
             the gob.                         receive optimum solutions
               The principal advantages of    to their specific challenges
             non-contact measurements are:    through intensive con-
             - easy handling;                 sultation with our sales
             - fast response;                 and application engi-
             -  increased throughput rates;   neers.
                IJHI nFYJCJMJUZ
             - prolonged service life;
             -  no contamination of the molten
               Digital measuring equipment

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