Page 66 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3-2019
P. 66

         Temperature and gas sensing solutions

                                      GLASS MELTING

             enables operators to maintain    Melting Tank
             efficient and stable operation of   The melting tank is where the
             the melting tank. Typical ther-  process starts with sand, lime-  is essential for longevity.
             mocouples deteriorate over time   stone, soda ash, and cullet feed   Monitoring the temperatures
             and can be unreliable. Infrared   into a furnace for melting.     of the bridgewall and port arch
             pyrometers measure tempera-        Because of the high tempera-   can also provide information on
             ture without contact and remain   tures and corrosive molten glass   the furnace condition.
             outside high temperature zones,   required for this process, protect-
             providing long-term stability    ing the expensive bottom refrac-  Checking roof temperature
             and reliability.                 tory from excessive temperature     Challenges: Ensure the stability

                                                                                              FLAT GLASS

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