Page 71 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3-2019
P. 71

thermometer with fiber optic      t     UP      GSBNFT  QFS  TFDPOE
             cable for industrial use.          depending on the model
               The IS 50-LO/GL is specially   t  6TFS GSJFOEMZ  BOBMZTJT  QSP-
             designed for temperature meas-     grams and report generators            LUMASENSE
             urement of bulk melt glass in the   (offline) as well as analysis and   TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
             melt tank, working end, fore-      process control (online)
             hearth, and feeder. Series 50-LO                                             HEADQUARTERS
             plus instruments are also useful   LumaSpec RT                              3301 Leonard Court
             for the measurement of brick-      Windows-based thermal imag-           Santa Clara, CA 95054 - USA
                                                                                      Tel.: +1 - 408 - 727 1600
             works in the regenerator and     ing software that offers high-          Fax: +1 - 408 - 727 1677
             melt tank. Using a robust fiber   speed, real-time data acquisition     EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST, AFRICA
             optic cable enables the use of   and image analysis capabilities.     Kleyerstrasse 90 - 60326 Frankfurt
             the instrument in an ambient                                                  Germany
             temperature up to 250°C without   MC640 Series Thermal Imaging           Tel.: +49 - 69 - 97373 0
             cooling.                         Camera                                 Fax: +49 - 69 - 97373 167
                                                Thermal imagers for fixed-          E-mail:
             THERMAL IMAGING                  installation cameras for process
               LumaSense thermal imaging      quality monitoring.
             cameras and systems accurately   t  5FNQFSBUVSF  SBOHFT  CFUXFFO
             measure temperature using opti-    600 and 3000°C                 t  6TFS GSJFOEMZ  BOBMZTJT  QSP-
             mal infrared wavelengths for     t  "QQMJDBUJPO TQFDJGJD   XBWF-     grams and report generators
             measurements. These ruggedized     length of 0.85 μm                 (offline) as well as analysis and
             infrared instruments can operate   t     GSBNFT QFS TFDPOE           process control (online)
             remotely and measure the pro-
             cess temperature and tempera-
             ture distributions.
               Automated, continuous ther-
             mal and visual imaging to iden-
             tify thermal abnormalities within
             industrial and petrochemical

               Thermal     imaging     sys-
             tem designed for continuous
             monitoring inside a furnace.
             FurnaceSpection is designed to
             continuously monitor through
             natural flames, the temperature
             of the liquid glass and refrac-
             tory inside the melt tank. This
             system helps operators monitor
             and control process temperature
             uniformity through streaming
             images and powerful software for
             analysis and historical trending.

             MC320 Series Thermal Imaging
               Thermal imagers for fixed-
             installation cameras for process
             quality monitoring.
               150 and 1600°C
             t  "QQMJDBUJPO TQFDJGJD   XBWF-
               length 3-5 μm, 3.9 μm or 5 μm

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