Page 43 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4-2019
P. 43

layer. The team applied the stere-  according to market demand,
                                              olithography process to a special   academics are not always simi-
                                              ink containing glass nanopow-    larly constrained. The MIT
                                              der suspended in a photocurable   team has continued to improve
                                              polymer, and then they fired the   its G3DP2 system and recently
                                              piece at 1,300ºC to burn off the   published a paper describing the
                                              polymer and densify the glass.   advancements.
             Hungry for a pretzel? You may      In the US, researchers at         On the other side of the world,
             not want to take a bite out      Lawrence Livermore National      another group is preparing to
             of this one – it is made from    Laboratory,    University   of   enter the game. Nick Birbilis and
             glass, using a stereolithog-     Minnesota, and Oklahoma State    Darren Feenstra, professor and
             raphy technique developed        University also used a special ink   PhD candidate, respectively, at
             at the Karlsruhe Institute of    to 3D print glass, but instead of   Monash University in Australia,
             Technology in Germany.
             Credit: Karslruhe Institute      stereolithography, their method   founded their company, Maple
             of Technology                    relied on a direct ink writing pro-  Glass Printing, as an outlet
                                              cess to print 3D objects at room   through which to file their pro-
                                              temperature.                     visional patent and seek industry
                                                                               partners to commercialize their
             poor resolution. Artistic expres-  WHERE WE ARE NOW               glass 3D printer. Unique to their
             sions such as vases and bowls      Since 2017, some groups have   system is an emphasis on reduc-
             may not suffer from lack of      discontinued their work, while   ing glass waste, and Birbilis and
             precision, but high-tech applica-  others – and new ones – have   Feenstra worked to specifically
             tions requiring precise micro-   continued to advance glass 3D    design a system that can handle
             structures will.                 printing processes.              mixed glass.
               Fortunately, 2017 was not lim-   Micron3DP is no longer            As the AM market continues
             ited to molten glass 3D print-   actively developing glass 3D     to develop and as other forms
             ing advancements. Two sepa-      printing, instead focusing on    of AM take off, advancements in
             rate groups in Germany and the   metal AM. In a 3D Printing       glass 3D printing are bound to
             United States debuted alternative   Media Network interview with   progress – and ACerS will keep
             glass 3D printing methods, each   Micron3DP’s CTO Eran Galor,     you informed about new develop-
             featuring a different technique.  he explains that building a mar-  ments along the way! O
               The German group from          ket for 3D-printed glass is more
             Karlsruhe Institute of Technology   difficult than developing the tech-
             used a stereolithography process   nology. Until a suitable market   This article was first published in
             to create intricate glass objects.   emerges, “[we] will not continue   Ceramic Tech Today, ACerS online
             In stereolithography, light is used   to actively develop [3D-printed   news blog, on 26 March 2019.
             to selectively harden liquid mate-  glass],” Galor says.  
             rials into solid parts, layer by   Though industry may build


                                    The American Ceramic Society

               Founded in 1898, The American Ceramic Society   The Society has witnessed many changes through
               was  formed at a convention of the National Brick   the years, but the core mission has stayed the same:
               Manufacturers’ Association in Pittsburgh, PA. During   to advance the study, understanding, and use of
               these early years, the Society mirrored the ceramics   DFSBNJD  BOE  SFMBUFE  NBUFSJBMT  GPS  UIF  CFOFmU  PG  PVS
               industry and was truly clay-based, with the most com-  members and society. Now, the Society has grown
               mon ceramic products being bricks, sewer pipes,   to more than 11,000 members consisting of scien-
               tiles, glass, dinnerware, and china. The American   tists, engineers, researchers, manufacturers, plant
               Ceramic Society played a large role in turning the   personnel, educators, students, marketing, and sales
               industry from narrow commercial interests to a broa-  professionals from more than 70 countries – with 40%
               EFS TDJFOUJmD PVUMPPL                          of members based outside of the United States.

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