Page 42 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4-2019
P. 42


         Science and technology

                                  The author
                        LISA MCDONALD

                   Lisa McDonald is science writer for The American Ceramic
                   Society. She has a master’s in science communication from
                   Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, and bachelor’s
                   in physics and communication from Coe College in Cedar
                   Rapids, Iowa.

             melting the starting material so   deposits droplets of binder solu-  molten glass. Their project, called
             it can be moulded into a desired   tion on a thin layer of powder,   G3DP (Glass 3D Printing), used
             form. For polymers, only a cou-  and the binder and powder react   printed glass as both art and sci-
             ple hundred degrees Celsius are   to bind particles together and   ence.
             required to initiate material melt.   create a 3D object.
             But for glass, you need tem-       Then in 2015, a start-up 3D    ADVANCES IN 2017
             peratures well over a thousand   printing company based in Israel    2017 saw both Micron3DP
             degrees Celsius for melting to   called Micron3DP developed a     and MIT improve on their 2015
             take place.                      system for 3D printing molten    technologies. First, in March,
               In 2015, ACerS reported on     glass. Using a process similar to   Micron3DP completed installa-
             some of the first groups to pre-  conventional fused filament fabri-  tion of its first fully operational
             mier 3D-glass-printing techno-   cation techniques – except much   high-resolution glass 3D printers
             logies. In the almost four years   hotter – Micron3DP created 3D   inside its Kfar-Saba facility – and
             since then, what new advances    objects using two types of glass:   subsequently began negotiations
             have been made in glass 3D       soda lime and borosilicate.      for external beta testing. Then,
             printing?                          Not long after Micron3DP’s     in April, MIT demonstrated the
                                              announcement, scientists from    results of G3DP2, its second
             FROM POWDER TO MOLTEN            the Massachusetts Institute of   glass 3D printing project, during
             GLASS                            Technology’s Mediated Matter     Milan Design Week.
               Prior to 2015, some groups     group and MIT Glass Lab             Yet despite the novelty of suc-
             found success 3D printing using   announced they too developed a   cessfully 3D printing molten
             glass powders. In these powder-  method to heat glass to high tem-  glass, this method of 3D print-
             based systems, an inkjet printer   peratures and then 3D print the   ing has drawbacks – particularly

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